Further Reading

Thursday 27 October 2022

Before the Great Reset – Normalizing the Impulse to Destroy Yourself

What an extraordinary time to be alive, and depending on how you’re handling it, you could see a blessing or a curse. Either you learn to laugh at the insanity and absurdity of it all, or you pay the price and lurch around in the manufactured anxiety, worry, concern, uncertainty, and fear of it all, like so many others. Ineffective, without purpose or passion, and forfeiting your chance to experience the inner freedom, ease, peace of mind, and sense of wonder that bring joy to life.

The choice is easy, although, the task itself may seem impossible.

We have to do what no other generations of humans have had to do. Our ancestors didn’t have to maneuver around in a frequency prison. They didn’t have to maintain constant vigilance against the hypnotic effects of mass media. They didn’t have to exert such total command over their impulses just to avoid being distracted by meaningless shit. Physical weakness wasn’t their default state, because their food supply wasn’t so thoroughly contaminated with additives, preservatives, dyes, forever chemicals, hormone disruptors, carcinogens, and neuro-toxins. They didn’t have to endure 24-hour corporate and government propaganda, and they didn’t have to absorb the never-ending firehose of fear, confusion, chaos and violence being muscled into the collective conscience.

There is an extreme shift taking place in this world. It’s a top-down redirection of our natural state of being toward a manufactured, artificial, robotic, micro-managed, slavish existence.

The new system is being engineered for efficiency in managing, governing, and controlling people. It’s a massive technological and systemic usurpation of individual autonomy, made possible by outstanding new technological mechanisms of surveillance and punishment. Only the well-positioned, unelected few residing at the top of this hierarchy will have access to how these systems are used and who are targeted with them.

It is a scientific dictatorship. Those who don’t see it are engaging in self-delusion, and those who do see it but refuse to rebuke it falsely perceive themselves to be in a position to somehow benefit from it.

China’s social credit system is part of it. Digital currencies are fast being standardized and already being used as a tool to punish dissent. Vaccine passports and health-based permissions are now broadly accepted around the globe, as is the idea of mandated medicine. Security cameras are everywhere and are increasingly being accessed by law enforcement agencies. Robots are are being equipped with machine guns and AI targeting systems. Big data is Genetically modified foods and vaccine-injecting mosquitoes are hailed as improvements upon nature. Science itself is replacing all variations of God. The internet is being retrofitted to support censorship and punish free speech, and entertainment media is broadly on message in support of it all. The big plan is publicly called The Great Reset.When fully congealed the scientific dictatorship will mean that the personal and most intimate details of your life will be used as leverage against you to coerce you into total compliance with the corporate state. This is literally a ‘soul-sucking’ existence, and don’t take my word for it. Consider those of one the chief architects of this madness, futurist and World Economic Forum advisor, Yuval Noah Harari....<<<Read More>>>...