Further Reading

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Fear Porn Warning: Earth has reached 'Code Red': CO2 levels are the highest on RECORD – and humanity is 'unequivocally facing a climate emergency', report warns

HERE COMES THE CLIMATE CHANGE FEAR PORN ... here comes the build up to the Globalist last stage plan ... 

The meme to the right indicates the TRUE effect of Co2 on the atmosphere. It accounts for 3.6% of all greenhouse gases and humans contribute 1/3 of 1% of the total Co2. Which is naff all.

It is a lie about the Co2 levels causing the climate change. 

Interesting comments at the bottom of the following globalist propaganda fear porn:

"And yet if you carefully examine the data over a much wider time period you will see that there is no correlation at all with temperature. There were periods in the past when temperatures were much higher and C02 levels were much lower than today which proves that C02 does not drive temperature but they want to keep that quiet."

"We we know that’s not true as CO2 records pulled from ice shows CO2 used to be much higher and Earth was just fine. The weather has been exactly the same since I was a kid. However now whenever we have floods or high winds it’s blamed on CO2"

"418 ppm? I distinctly remember being told in school science in the seventies that the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere was 0.04%. In other words what these cultists are telling me is that IT HASN'T CHANGED."

"optimal ppm of co2 is around 1000 to 1300 for plants ,it has obviously been higher in the past,other wise there would be no optimal,the plants have experienced such conditions "

"One, that is a steam cloud you are using to illustrate CO2, deceptive. Two, there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature. Which is why NOAA and other agencies have been changing the temperature records to meet the failed models."

"Are we still saying C02 emissions have a severe impact on the climate? That's doubtful. Archeological data shows us that the earth has gone through more than one cycle of higher levels of C02 and all before industrialization."

"These emergency predictions from Scientists and Environmental groups have 100 % wrong in all their predictions for the last 40 years. None have been correct."

"The good news is that temperature changes are completely unlinked to CO2 levels as this is only a tiny fraction of what we call greenhouse gases. The bad news is somebody is going balls out on a lie to convince you that manmade CO2 is to blame - follow the money."

"The Sun has ALWAYS had radiation fluctuations, causing our Planet to have temperature variations. There is NO correlation between the rise in CO2, and temperature...... Just a load of scare-mongering."

And here is the FEAR PORN article published today in the Daily Comrade, sorry, Mail.....<<<Read More>>>.... the opening headlines read .... "with carbon dioxide levels at their highest on record and temperatures continuing to rise, Earth has officially reached 'Code Red', a new report has warned.

An international team of researchers has penned a new report titled 'World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022', in which they warn that humanity is 'unequivocally facing a climate emergency".

Professor William Ripple, co-author of the study, said: 'Look at all of these heat waves, fires, floods and massive storms.... say no more .... point made.....move on.