Further Reading

Friday, 7 October 2022

'Imminent Financial Crash'

It's time for a series of quick one question Daily Merlin insights ... the first question was "is the imminent financial crash happening and will it include bail in's by the banks resulting everyone losing the money in their bank accounts?"

The image randomly chosen was THE SURVIVOR. The image depicts the phoenix rising from amid the chaos and the destruction. But who is the phoenix? And is the explosion in the background a literal explosion (Nuclear?)? Or is it symbolic of the current chaotic explosion? 

The Magick Glyph awaiting the Phoenix is the mysterious 'Vesica Piscis'. The entire Light of Truth Oracle system is based on the experiences of their designer & creator. He was given the title Mara Gamiel ... which roughly translated is 'The Camel Of The Mystic Sea' The sea over which the phoenix flies is the great sea ... Mara ... which lies beyond the Abyss in the realm of Binah ... on the Pillar of Severity. This image portrays the journey back from Binah and the 'make me, break me, remake me' process that occurs after crossing Daath ....

The chosen implies the current situation being a hard part of the spiritual tempering associated with those who face their fears and confront the Dweller on the Threshold. In other words, the casting of the so called imminent financial crash is related to one of the greater fears to be faced at the threshold ...

For some it is going to happen ... those permit that fear narrative to be implemented into their lives. For those who face that fear .... it is unlikely to happen.  Whatever happens, the phoenix rising relates to the human spirit .... it does not imply any success for those bringing on the so called crash.

All those of the global elite, and even their higher controllers (The Jesuits, The Archons and the Chimera) are all being played by the creator of this reality. For they are nothing more than tools of transformation. Manifestations of the fears to be faced ... 

This plane is after all a learning plane after all ... mankind has manifested these events by permitting their awareness to be controlled by A.I algorithms. Now they have to collectively face these fears as one consciousness. This is the process we are facing. 

Will the imminent financial crash happen? It will if you permit that fear narrative to become part of your reality. It is a cosmic ordering by the Dark Global Elite ... a spell casting ... an enchantment ... that only works if you believe it will happen.