Further Reading

Sunday 2 October 2022

Is the fabric of society being undermined by mRNA vaccination?

We are currently facing threats of nuclear war, the removal of medical choice, and political dysfunction (watch THIS short THIS short clip of Tucker Carlson musing on the madness of US politics, watch till the end it’s telling). Political leaders appear to think we should be prepared to accept obvious untruths. A government bulletin on the hurricane in Florida advised those seeking shelter that they should prioritise Covid vaccination.

No one calling the shots appears prepared to engage in rational debate. Cancelling, fabrication, and scapegoating have become the name of the game. It’s incomprehensible but real. Reckless doesn’t cover it, does it?

You might be thinking like me that something has brought the world to the brink, but what? If I was going to speak plainly, the chief suspect is mRNA vaccination, but how?

The true extent of the ensuing disaster is only just beginning to be appreciated. On Monday two peer-reviewed papers were published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance which underline just how concerning the effects have been. In these, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK cardiologist and staunch vaccination proponent, outlines the scientific reasons why he has decided that the use of mRNA vaccine technology should be rejected as unsafe. See Paper 1 and Paper 2. I don’t intend to review them in this article, but you can read a detailed review by Steve Kirsch HERE, it is well worth reading.

My concern is why no one in MSM or government is prepared to listen to Dr. Malhotra or dozens of other highly qualified professionals sounding the alarm about the safety of mRNA vaccine technology. Their concerns are based on solid research and primary data, but almost no one responds to their letters or papers. Why does no one from the ruling medical establishment or coterie of expert government advisors accept an invitation to discuss or debate mRNA vaccine safety?

We agree that infection with the alpha variant could have a number of serious neurological outcomes, but the problem with this study is that most of these outcomes are identical to the neurological mRNA vaccine outcomes reported in the post-marketing Pfizer mRNA vaccine trial results.

Almost all the participants in the study would have been vaccinated at some time in late 2020 and 2021 (the study period), but the authors do not record the vaccination status of any of the participants. In other words, they are deliberately hiding any confounding effect of mRNA vaccination and pretending that any neurological outcomes should be blamed on Covid-19 infection alone.

Try to fathom any logic here, you can’t. Unvaccinated people are supposed by vaccine advocates to have deficient Covid immunological responses while vaccinated people are supposed to have enhanced protection. Failing to distinguish between their respective outcomes is deceptive and frankly nasty (watch Dr. Mobeen Syed explaining his concerns HERE).

If it was just one or two people refusing, like Edmund, to admit to reality it would be understandable. After all, some people have difficulty admitting that they are wrong, but almost the entire global population of vaccinated scientists, doctors, experts, advisors, and politicians seeking to continue to deceive the public in the face of unequivocal rapidly accumulating published safety signals – that is nasty.

You have to remember these people are professionally charged with maintaining public health and safety, it is why they were appointed in the first place. It is their job and their duty to rigorously assess the safety of novel health interventions, but they are now steadfastly looking the other way. Very often they are also blaming the unvaccinated for problems that have arisen as a result of vaccination.

Covid infection has concerning sequelae and probably has engineered elements which are toxic and originated in a lab. The mRNA vaccines have been specifically designed to bypass the cell’s protective walls and instruct our genetics to do things differently. The final long-term outcomes remain unknown. Therefore, it is highly probable that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have been adversely affected by biotechnology experiments, so why aren’t we taking common cause?

The purpose of citing the horrific outcomes of synthetic opioids is to remind us of the well-known fact that drugs have mental effects. The mind and body are intimately connected. Every drug intervention affects the mind because the mind and body are inseparable. How much more serious are the effects going to be if novel drugs and vaccines interfere with genetic pathways?

We are already aware of severe outcomes proximate to vaccination. The authorities are extremely reluctant to investigate these or release raw data sufficient to allow others to do so. Could mRNA vaccination which overrides the immune system also result in a simple case of mental impairment – inability to change gear, brain fog, or intolerance of difference?...<<<Read More>>>...