Further Reading

Monday, 10 October 2022

Marvel & Disney Partner With Pfizer To Mix Vaccines & Masks With Superheroes

 Pfizer has sponsored a new comic, “Everyday Heroes,” to urge people to get their autumn Covid boosters. The plot of the new comic centres around a grandfather waiting for his jab at a clinic that comes under attack by the Avengers villain, Ultron.

“We can fight back against even tough, ever-evolving enemies,” the masked up grandfather assures the people in the waiting room, “if you’re willing to adapt, fight back and take steps to help protect yourself. It’s also important for entire communities to come together and help fight the threat.” Not all heroes wear capes, you know.

This is brave of Marvel and Disney. Mixing face masks and vaccines with superheroes is either very confident, or very profitable. Dress it up how you want, but Band-Aids on old men’s arms aren’t exactly superhero-ish. It’s a long way from muscular Thor and his hammer. And every adverse vaccine event stands to puncture the allure of the superhero like a needle through a cape....<<<Read More>>>...