Further Reading

Friday 28 October 2022

Vaccine expert says “the vaccinated” are responsible for the impending “end of Western civilization”

 Independent virologist and vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche has a new message for the world about what is soon to come as a result of Operation Warp Speed.

An end-of-the-world situation is brewing, the former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation employee says, that will certainly take down at least some of Western civilization. And the culprits, he insists, are the “fully vaccinated.”

Once antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and other forms of vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) run their course inside the bodies of the jabbed, healthcare systems everywhere will quickly become overwhelmed with sick and dying patients.

Entire hospital systems and health care groups will likely collapse under the weight of all that disease and death, which in turn will collapse society as we currently know it. (Related: In 2021, Bossche warned the world that trying to vaccinate out of a plandemic only promotes the creation and spread of new “variants.”)

“Decision makers, in the WHO (World Health Organization), will be held responsible, accountable and liable for the dramatic consequence that this biological experiment on human beings could possibly entail,” Bossche writes on his Voice for Science and Solidarity website.

The genie is already out of the bottle, meaning there is no going back. All we can do, Bossche insists, is watch it all unfold and hope for the best – though there is little to be hopeful about with the way things are already going.

Bossche predicts that another “wave” of the Fauci Flu will sweep the Western world. It will be driven by the fully jabbed who have become walking spike protein factories polluting the world with the poisons they continue to shed.

Once this new wave emerges, it will all go down fast, Bossche warns. Fully jabbed people everywhere will come down with much more serious illnesses than previously due to the fact that their immune systems are now shot, leaving them defenseless.

This next wave, Bossche contends, will become more virulent as opposed to contagious, meaning it will be far deadlier than any previous strains, variants, or sub-variants.

“The losses will be huge,” Bossche is quoted as saying. “Literally there is no immunity, no single protection left for the vaccinated.”

The only real hope, Bossche says, is for unvaccinated children and others in the reproductive age of life to repopulate the world once the mass die-off that he predicts is coming runs its course....<<<Read More>>>....