Further Reading

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Covid-19 Jabs: Never before have we been in so much danger

 So, they’re now going to give the useless and toxic covid-19 jab to infants. They’re going to add a jab that doesn’t work and isn’t safe to an aggressive, untested, officially promoted programme of mass medication; the most alarming, experimental and grandiose example of centrally approved child abuse in human history; a programme that I believe has done infinitely more harm than good; a drug administration mania that should have been halted decades ago by the medical profession, and would have been if the medical profession hadn’t been bought by the drug industry; an untested experimental schedule that would have warmed the evil heart of Josef Mengele. Is it more dangerous to give the mRNA jab to babies whose mothers were jabbed before or during pregnancy or while they are breastfeeding? No one knows.

In America, the Government recommends that babies and infants should be given the following vaccines before they are 15-months-old: three doses for hepatitis B, two doses for rotavirus, four doses for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, four doses for haemophilus influenza, four doses of pneumococcal conjugate, three doses for polio, another one for influenza, one for measles, mumps and rubella, one for varicella, one for hepatitis and so on and so on…the list never ends. And now add in the toxic covid-19 jab. Why they don’t just slaughter infants at birth is a mystery. After 18 months they receive endless armfuls of more stuff. How kids ever get time to go to school is a mystery. I’m surprised they’re able to get to school. And, of course, it’s all much the same the world over.

How much testing has been done to check that all these vaccines don’t interact badly in the developing human body? None would be a good answer. How much research is done to see how much damage is being done to the developing immune system? Again, try none as your answer. Nearly all the medical research done these days is done by drug companies. Why would they want to find out how much damage their junk is doing?...<<<Read More>>>...