Further Reading

Monday 21 November 2022

G20 globalists push mandatory vaccine passports for all international travel despite fading COVID plandemic

  By now, sane, reasonable people know that while the COVID-19 pandemic wasn’t a “hoax” — the virus was real, and likely, our own government helped fund its creation — it was certainly coopted and used by Western global elites as a means of controlling their respective populations for nearly two years.

Since then, the pandemic has become a plandemic — that is, it is now serving as justification for permanently altering behaviors around the globe while usurping the freedoms of billions of people.

Case in point: At the recent G20 gathering in Bali, Indonesia, the assembled elite proposed a universal vaccine passport plan to ‘allow’ freedom of travel. In short, anyone wanting to step on a plane or board a ship to travel internationally would have to agree to have their medical privacy invaded by government bureaucrats, even though the COVID virus has all but vanished and is no longer close to the threat that it was (and even then it wasn’t nearly as deadly and serious as we were being told).

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, who spoke about the plan on behalf of the G20 host country earlier in the summit had called for a “digital health certificate” using WHO standards.

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around,” he said during a discussion....<<<Read More>>>....