Further Reading

Friday 25 November 2022

New Beginnings

A quick insight on the current situation on 'planet' Earth regarding the state of the human collective awareness and its reaction to the severe attack on manifested humans by the forces of darkness.

The NEW BEGINNINGS offered by the randomly chosen card #18, relates to the human oversoul or godhead, and not to the advancing dark forces. 

We see the great unknowable Ain Soph in the middle of the image. A place of awareness beyond human comprehension ... where the higher forces exist, and are said to influence the human collective in times of need.

Times like now. 

This is the light of the great awakening. Remember the great light that scientists saw out there in the universe earlier in the year? This is that light, which was created by a sound vibrated by the god head. We see the light coming down into the manifest and affecting the ley lines and energy lines of the 'planet' (We see standing stones in the background so we know it is an energy site). 

This sound vibration is very much a cymatic sound pattern. Sounds created and affect the manifest plane. So what we see here is the new beginnings created by a change in the sound frequencies being cast into the manifest by higher forces.

The dark forces are doing their absolute best to prevent these vibrations coming into the manifest, and lifting the human collective away from their influence.

The card is #18 ... 1 + 8 = 9 in numerology. 9 is at the end of the 9 cycle ... the end of the old to bring in the new. This is NOT the new world order the dark forces are fooling us into believing will happen ... to manifest it for them.

The Gematria of the words New Beginnings is 63 ... 6 + 3 = 9 ... the end of the cycle. 

This is a positive force for the human collective as a whole. Yes, there is immense suffering and a genocide of humans going on at this time. It is unavoidable ... every human is part of the collective over soul regardless of them being incarnate or discarnate. Therefore those who have left the earth plane as a result of end of natural life, or through the mRNA death jabs ... have served the human collective incarnate and had to become discarnate.

It is inevitable that the life and death cycle was going to be disrupted by the struggle between the great awakening and the new world order's great reset. It will eventually calm down and rebalance in the favour of the great light awakening,