Further Reading

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Why are Names on Birth Certificates in All Caps?

 Birth certificates are clearinghouse receipts. They are not proof of anything but events which took place at specific times and places, providing a provenance that the actual owner may use to reclaim their estate.

These certificates are meant to work like a coat check receipt. Your Mother unknowingly “deposits” your estate with the clearinghouse (DTTC) and the clearinghouse gives back a certificate for the “cargo” being transferred.

This transfer creates two new “persons” – it leaves behind an “infant decedent estate” in the original land jurisdiction where you were physically born, and it creates a new British Territorial Person “representing” you on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

This is your First Birth Certificate, sometimes called “the Long Form” or “Certificate of Live Birth” which unlawfully converts your political status to that of a British Territorial US Citizen as if you were an Officer in the Armed Forces or someone born in a Territory of the United States – like Puerto Rico. This Person is a British Subject functioning under Admiralty Law, and may also be prosecuted under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

Approximately seven years later, the British Territorial Person named after you is declared missing, and presumed dead. This creates a Cestui Que Vie trust which is created in Washington, DC and redeposited with the Clearinghouse (DTTC) which issues a second BIRTH CERTIFICATE, sometimes called “the Short Form” which shows your Given Name in ALL CAPITAL letters. This Municipal PERSON is considered a “citizen of the United States” thanks to the Diversity Clause in Federal Title 28. It functions under Maritime (Commercial) Law and Administrative Law.

You now have two estates – an infant decedent estate created when your mother unwittingly “waived” your birthright estate “for” you as an infant, and a Municipal Government Cestui Que Vie ESTATE TRUST created for you when you were still in Grade School. You also have two clearing house certificates – that is, birth certificates, documenting the deposits made with the DTTC Clearinghouse and the transfers of the “cargoes” from the land to the sea and from the sea to the Municipal land jurisdiction

In theory, you should be able to take these clearinghouse certificates which are issued in your name to the Federal Reserve Bank holding the deposit receipts – and reclaim your estate free and clear.

However, nobody ever tells you what has been done and that both these estates – one private and one public, both belong to you. And nobody is identified as the Officer responsible for returning your purloined estate and no process or forms are provided for you to exercise your Reversionary trust interest.

So, the deceptively named clearinghouse receipts called “Birth Certificates” are not about you or your actual Nativity on the land and soil of this country, instead, they reveal where a Uniformed British Territorial Officer – a Medical Doctor – took possession of you and your estate and then proceeded to misidentify and impersonate you as a U.S. Citizen – and then by the process of “registration” transferred you and your estate to the British Territorial jurisdiction.

Then the second transfer and certificate provide evidence of the “presumption of death” and creation of a Municipal public interest Cestui Que Vie ESTATE in YOUR NAME.

This is why there are two clearinghouse certificates and two estates in your name...<<<Read More>>>...