Further Reading

Monday 12 December 2022

Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body

 We have the first 'scare factor' post of the month ... and its about that 'wonderful'  satanist Bill Gates (Or the lookalike made to act the part of Bill Gates). This is all part of the theatre being played before the sleepy human eyes.


The next phase of humanity’s forced transition to virtual reality involves computerizing the human body and transforming it into a robotic machine that, together with all other computerized human bodies, will eventually comprise a vast global computer network owned in part by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.

It might sound like some kind of out there science fiction novel, but U.S. Patent 6,754,472, owned by Microsoft, grants Gates and his cronies the “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body for use as a collective of local wireless networks.

The most advanced computer in existence, the human body is already an electrically charged, vibrating, and pulsing network of electrolyte-filled tubes and tunnels that transmit and communicate all sorts of things relevant for survival. Gates’ goal is to exploit and capitalize on this miracle of creation, as well as “enhance” it as part of the globalists’ transhumanist agenda.

You will notice that Gates’ plan to transition and transform humanity into a worldwide network of transhumanist cyborgs directly parallels the current transgender or trans agenda – and that is no accident. They have been telling us all along with all the trans programming what they plan to do next, and that is to strip humanity of its humanity. Covid “vaccines” play a role in that, as does the transgender mutilation of children phenomenon....<<<Read More>>>...