Further Reading

Thursday 15 December 2022

What’s the ‘Covid’ jab doing to the brain?

 It’s now over eighteen months since I first explained why ‘long covid’ doesn’t exist but is being promoted by the conspirators as a ‘disease’ to fear.

Today, as predicted, long covid is one of the important causes of the global recession which is devastating the world. It’s vital that we keep telling the world the truth about this imaginary disease – and how it is being used, how it has become the shirker’s dream disease and why it is the hypochondriac’s Christmas gift that keeps on giving.

My most recent article about long covid was published in October 2022 but since the mainstream media is again promoting long covid (and pretending it is a dreadful disease) I think it is worth repeating what I said then:

‘The biggest and most significant research into long covid, involving 26,000 individuals, concluded that long covid is largely a psychological problem.

In America there are 12 million people off work with this imaginary disorder. In the UK there are two million long covid sufferers signed off sick – unable to work....<<<Read More>>>...