Further Reading

Thursday 22 December 2022

WHO declares war on unvaccinated people, likens them to murderers by calling them “a major killing force globally”

 Its a mad, mad world out there ... and this is a post about calling the kettle black ... the WHO is one of the forces behind the death jabs ....! We could say much more, but this is a sad tale about the brave school bully accusing the innocent kids in the playground of his misdemeanors!


The World Health Organization (WHO) published a video to its Twitter page recently that basically calls unvaccinated people murderers.

The clip features the infamous Dr. Peter Hotez declaring that “anti-vaccine activism” is “anti-science aggression.” Hotez also stated that those who refuse covid “vaccines” specifically are almost certain to be “far right” politically.

As cringeworthy as these statements are, Hotez really went off the rails when he categorized the unvaccinated as “a major killing force globally.” What Hotez is saying, in other words, is that living as an unvaccinated person is responsible for the deaths of others, who are mostly vaccinated people.

If vaccines really work as Hotez and others claim they do, then the unvaccinated would be a threat to none other than themselves. The fact that jabbed people are dying when unvaccinated people are not dying just goes to show that the prevailing vaccine dogma is superstitious pseudoscience.

That WHO would endorse this kind of thinking is disturbing but not at all surprising. After all, the United Nations (UN) arm was suspiciously involved with bioweapons research just prior to the unleashing of covid. Was this just a coincidence? Probably not....<<<Read More>>>....