Further Reading

Thursday 29 December 2022

You Can Laugh About It Now

I often get asked what has been the highlights of my 36 year 'career' as a Clairvoyant & Medium. There are many. But in this moment, let me relate an experience that is a highlight, but not in the expected sense of the word.

Back in 2010 - 2011, I had been publishing posts here on the blog with two insignificant words in their title. I considered them insignificant, but to an imbecile skeptic 'investigator' these two words were very significant to him. They were the name of his savage skeptic site, and I was contacted being accused of using these two words together .... to grab traffic from his popular site.

It was very laughable. Here was a Dick Jolly (Not his real name), imbecile psychic skeptic and insecure human being, accusing me of deliberately using these two words to attract traffic. I'd never heard of him or his dumb site.

I refused to take the posts down and began receiving threatening e-mails from Dick. He then began 'investigating' me on his moronic site. It was laughable as he had very well known Mediums on his site; who he had defamed and harassed. Now I was on the site with them. Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all. Not that I needed the additional publicity; I was a known Australian Medium with a very good reputation and returning clients at the time.

He was affecting me emotionally and also financially so I chose a very cunning course of action. One that this imbecile did not realise I was doing, because he fell for it hook, line and sinker. 

I chose to post up videos of myself delivering evidence of mediumship (But not the best ones) and I encouraged him to attack the videos by goading him in e-mails. I then made up false claims about knowing certain other mediums, that I knew he links to. When he discovered my false claims he soon grew tired of pursuing me; having decided he had destroyed my reputation. He left me alone! And that had been my plan.

He was completely unaware of my true reputation amongst clients; having dismissed my web site as being a fantasy page. He gloated he was higher up in search engines than my web site. But he was unaware of my close friendship with reputable and well known mediums; and the planned tours that were meant to happen with them. Sadly, a well known UK Medium I was due to go on tour with in Australia fell seriously ill and passed away before our tour could be planned.

Dick Jolly is a particularly nasty individual and has unleashed misery on many genuine and sensitive souls just because he was unable to make it in the same industry. The tour manager of the late medium, was a close friend of ours at the time, and he had undertaken an investigation into Dick Jolly ... and had passed numerous bits of intel across to me about this imbecile. Fortunately, for him, he left me alone ... and has not had anything to do with me since .....