Further Reading

Thursday 19 January 2023

BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: New study finds that the fully vaccinated are shedding mRNA and spike proteins onto the unvaccinated

It is entirely possible, according to the findings of a recent study, that those who are fully vaccinated for covid shed messenger RNA (mRNA) and spike proteins onto others, including the unvaccinated.

This is the perspective held by Dr. Peter McCullough, an outspoken opponent of covid jabs who cites a paper published by French pharmacologist Dr. Helene Banoun in the medical journal Infectious Diseases Research, as evidence of this.

The un-injected can contract covid jab ingredients via bodily fluids such as saliva, sweat, and sexual contact, Dr. Banoun found. Pfizer’s own clinical trials reveal much the same, suggesting that covid jab ingredients can pass “through inhalation or skin contact,” as well as “through semen from a man … and passage through breast milk.”...<<<Read More>>>....