Further Reading

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Chris Whitty covers up 22k COVID Vaccine Heart-Related Deaths with FALSE Claims about lack of Statins and Blood Pressure Pills

 In the week ending 23 December 2022, in England, there were 2,272 excess deaths which represents a 20.2% increase above the five-year average. In Wales, the statistics were even worse with a 27.3% increase. Only about 3% of the total was attributed to Covid.

In the last year, in England, a shocking 21,841 of the additional deaths mentioned cardiovascular disease on the death certificate.

According to England’s Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, many excess deaths are from heart conditions due to patients missing out on statins and blood pressure pills. But Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan reveal that this was never the case. At no point over the last three years have prescriptions noticeably dropped.

The Naked Emperor has written a summary of some of the evidence stacking up pointing to the covid vaccines as the culprit, concluding: “I’m not sure how many more studies and excess deaths need to occur before someone in power acknowledges what is going on or at least begins to investigate. But for now, it is the unspoken secret and excess deaths will continue.” In our article, we’re going to focus more on Jefferson and Heneghan’s revelations.

There can be little doubt that blocking access to, say, cancer screening and treatment will have disastrous consequences – one of the many legacies of lockdowns. But how did Professor Whitty and his team conclude that excess cardiovascular mortality was due to a lack of statins and antihypertensives?

Primary care is where the bulk of statins and antihypertensives are prescribed but did the prescriptions of such drugs change during the pandemic? Not according to Open Prescribing, which is based on monthly NHS prescribing data....<<<Read More>>>...