Further Reading

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Daily Merlin Insight - 2023 Part 1 - the 1st Quarter


January 2023 - 18 Strength; 5 0f Fishes Loss; 5 Fortune

February 2023 - Page of Serpents; 10 of Fishes Friendship; 10 of Beast Opportunity

March 2023 - 8 of Beasts Skill; 6 of Beasts Benefit; Queen of Fishes

April 2023 - Warrior of Beasts; 2 of Birds Doubt; Queen of Beasts 

The Merlin Tarot cards were chosen as the favourable means of divination; due to the fact from personal experience over the last 35 years they are found to be the perfect medium for foresight and 'storytelling'.

Due to an infinite and complex possibilities, on global, national interpersonal and personal levels, it is particularly difficult to assert a specific focus for the chosen images; especially as the intention was '2023'.

For that reason, simplistic insights are offered for each of the four months. It is from these basic foundations that 'storytelling' can begin ...

January 2023 -  Loss of strength leads to a change of fortune;

February 2023 - A new opportunity for friendship;

March 2023 - Beneficial skills for those who qualify for the opportunity;

April 2023 - Doubtful reconciliation for a family ....

There are a number of insights appearing as a result of these first basic insights. This is often how a consultation using the Merlin Tarot begins. A first initial insight followed by the spark of clairvoyance needed to paint the picture.

 January 2023 - appears to relate to a government or country led by a Female Prime Minister losing her position or losing ground with regard to policy and/or policy changes.

February 2023 - this is a difficult insight. It doesn't appear to be on a global scale. Because it has been outlined by the MT, there is a significance with the imagery. 

March 2023 - The woman in the image appears to live in or around a location that has been recently flooded. This appears to relate to some aid or assistance by individuals who are given the opportunity to rebuild/repair the damage. This suggests some major flooding in and around late February 2023.

April 2023 - Its hard to avert from the title of this image. The queen ... relates either to a current living queen or the UK royal family. The young bear indicates one of the queen's offspring and in the queen's lap are documents or insights that have been revealed (Or will be revealed). Doubt suggests issues with communications between members of this royal family. This could be some attempted reconciliation between two siblings. There is reference to alleged ownership of a rural/country property or land.

Watch out for more insights on The 1st quarter plus part two (The 2nd Quarter)