Further Reading

Sunday 22 January 2023

From The Ridiculous To The Sublime: "Climate cult wants every person’s carbon dioxide emissions to be regulated – no more breathing … for the planet"!

 Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a leading German scientist from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), believes that in order to save the planet from “climate change,” every person’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions must be capped and regulated by the government.

Calling the concept a “planetary guardrail,” Schellnhuber contends that every person should have a three-ton CO2 emissions limit per year applied to their daily life. Those who exceed that amount should be forced to pay a fine, he says.

Since every breath a person takes results in CO2 being breathed out in exchange for oxygen, breathing would also have to be regulated. Those who wish to remain under the three-ton cap may need to take fewer breaths, likely resulting in much less exercise and physical exertion in order to keep heart rate low.

Only the rich, based on Schellnhuber’s idea, would be allowed to live normally. The poor would have to really cut back on everything, including breathing, in order to not be fined into oblivion.

In order to “have an environment worth living [in],” according to Schellnhuber, CO2 emissions must be kept at a minimum – unless you have the cash to purchase access to a better quality of life....<<<Read More>>>...