Further Reading

Friday 27 January 2023

Peace and Our Changeless Eternal Nature

 Our sisters’ and brothers’ actions do not define them. Their changeless loving nature does. It is not what they think, say or do that defines them. It is the Love that is their true eternal essence and nature. When we choose to define them as some frozen moment or event in time, instead of by the Love that is their eternal essence, this is a sign to us that we have forgotten who we truly are. The more we choose to value the ego’s judgments over the creator’s Love, the more unbalanced we will feel, and the less peace we will have. We will never find true peace as long as we separate our self from the Source of peace. Let us take note that peace is not a function of what seems to be happening in the world, but is a function of how we are thinking of and reacting to our experience.

The thoughts that we define others by, reside within us. If those thoughts are kind and compassionate, then it is those energies that flow through us and will bless and heal us. If our thoughts are judgmental and critical, then it is those energies that will hurt, punish and haunt us. When we start to take note of how our thoughts affect us, we begin to understand the importance of thinking of and treating others, with love and compassion. If we judge them, and see them as something other than Love, then being all One, we are separating ourselves from Oneness, and thus from the Mind of God. We will never find true peace of mind or joy, if we are constantly unconsciously separating ourselves from the Source of peace and joy. Today, let us support our sacred connection to our Source, by beginning to treat all others, as we ourselves would like to be treated. By doing so, we reinforce our own eternal loving essence and nature. This in turn helps us obtain the peace of mind and joy that are expressions of a mind that is One with its Creator....<<<Read More>>>...