Further Reading

Friday, 13 January 2023

There are two American governments: the visible one and the SECRET one, says Gen. Flynn

 You have probably never heard of it, but there is a parallel Supreme Court, of sorts, called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that General Michael Flynn warns is operating “in almost total secrecy.”

A judicial panel that oversees American intelligence agencies in surveillance matters involving American citizens living in the United States, FISC first came on the public’s radar during the investigation that was launched against the 2016 campaign of former President Donald Trump.

FISC’s involvement in that investigation helped produce the falsified information that was used by the FBI to illegally surveil the Trump campaign. This led to the “Russia collusion” allegations that ultimately cost Flynn his position as national security adviser at the start of the Trump administration.

“In the coming months, among other serious problems (& there are many), we are going to learn the FISC has become a parallel Supreme Court but operates in almost total secrecy,” Flynn tweeted in a five-part series about the shadowy group...<<<Read More>>>.....