Further Reading

Monday 27 February 2023

5D Shift: We’re Living in Two Worlds Now – A Critical Time for Focus

 It’s become abundantly clear that we’re living very much in two worlds now, not one. The Old Paradigm is still very much present, with its daily game of escalating charades, BUT, its roots are broken. It’s a shape-shifting lost cause. It’s there in your face, BUT, only provided your vision isn’t on something more productive, more expansive. It’s a critical time for focus now – the light of the new world is breaking through the darkened veils of the old, for all attuning their inner eye.

The Alien Intervention that has so manipulated the multidimensional landscape of the planet anchored its matrix through many of the ancient megaliths, that bound into the earth’s Toroidal field and slowed it down. They then supplanted the natural energetic harmony with one of their own, which they could control and manipulate. The synthetic metaverse is just the latest iteration of that.

But it will be short-lived on this planet. The galactic alignment of 2012 saw a massive realignment mission by benevolence which kickstarted Gaia’s natural energetic flower of life. That re-emergence is well underway. And it’s coupled with regression healing work for the various intervention groups that are ready to realign. Powerful changes are in flow, and specifically, we’re at a new stage where the roots of the old construct have been dug up.

What does this mean? How is it experienced?...<<<Read More>>>...