Further Reading

Saturday 25 February 2023

7 Principles of the Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance states that there is infinite prosperity always available to us. But with our free will, we can tune in or out the abundance frequency and thus not let abundance be part of our experience.

From the perspective of a spiritual coach, I came to understand that financial abundance is one of our greatest teaching tools. Since we’re little, society tells us that there is a shortage of something. They tell us that we have to work hard to deserve it. We have to strive for something whole life, and maybe one day it can be ours.

But these lies act like a virus in the subconscious mind. When we forget that we’re divine and that our true nature is infinitely abundant, then we don’t allow ourselves to experience prosperity. Needless to say that this conditioning is a perfect way of controlling people.

One way how to use the Law of Abundance to your advantage is to tap into the frequency of abundance. Abundance is one of the inherent qualities of life. From the energy perspective, it doesn’t matter whether you bask in the abundance of love, creativity, gratitude, or finances.

So, if you don’t experience the financial abundance that you wish you have, choose to create a different form of abundance in your life that feels more tangible.

Ask yourself:

What does make me feel abundant?

When you feel abundant, everything amplifies in your life. For instance, you feel abundant when you take care of yourself and rest more. Although this has nothing to do with financial abundance, it makes you feel blissfully abundant and thus keep the Law of Abundance working for you.

Think about what makes you feel abundant. Usually, it’s something simple, like spending more time with family, starting a new hobby, walking in nature, or having “me time.”

You tap into the frequency of abundance by doing the things that make you feel abundant. For the universe, it doesn’t matter that the particular activity has nothing to do with finances because you vibe with prosperity. And thus, it must manifest in all forms in your life....<<<Read More>>>...