Further Reading

Monday 20 February 2023

A victory for freedom in our Orwellian thought-crime nightmare

 THE reason George Orwell is quoted so often these days is because two of his works, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, are effectively prophecies of the demented post-modern era in which we live.

Identity politics, the ugly US import which separates everyone into tribes competing for victim status, was surely anticipated in Animal Farm by the observation that ‘all animals are equal but some are more equal than others’. Likewise, Nineteen Eighty-Four gave the world the concept of Big Brother, which is now more or less a reality, as well as doublethink and newspeak. In modern Britain there are examples of these everywhere.

One of the most chilling of Orwell’s warnings was that of ‘thought crime’ or ‘crimethink’, offences kept in check by the ‘thought police’ or the ‘thinkpol’. Until now they have remained in the realm of fiction.

Following charges brought in December by West Midlands Police against Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a pregnancy counsellor, and Father Sean Gough, a Wolverhampton-based Roman Catholic priest, the substance of Orwell’s dual masterpieces can no longer be considered portents of a dystopian age to come, but one which has now surely arrived.

What crimes were so heinous for three officers to arrest, search, detain and charge Ms Vaughan-Spruce and similarly demand the presence of Fr Gough at the police station before they charged him too?

Ms Vaughan-Spruce had admitted to them that she ‘might’ have been praying silently in her head outside a British Pregnancy Advisory Service abortion facility. A 150-metre ‘buffer’, or exclusion, zone had been imposed by Birmingham City Council around this clinic the previous month, making it a crime to seek to influence or harass anyone within the vicinity. The clinic was closed at the time, so no one, including any mind-readers, could have been influenced or harassed.

Fr Gough had his clerical collar felt after he stood in the same censorship zone, demarcated by a Public Spaces Protection Order designed to tackle extreme anti-social behaviour, silently holding up a placard which read: ‘Praying for Free Speech’.

The charges were referred to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) which last month threw them out on the grounds that there was no evidence that any crimes had been committed, but with a warning to the pair that should sufficient evidence later emerge the charges could be revived and they would be prosecuted.

This prompted Ms Vaughan-Spruce and Fr Gough to use their right to seek a verdict from Birmingham magistrates’ court about whether their actions were in any way criminal.

It was farcical to witness them in the dock yesterday. The CPS clearly did not want to know, declining to offer the slightest scrap of evidence to suggest any wrongdoing had been committed. District Judge David Wain summarily dismissed both cases in a matter of seconds. West Midlands Police surely offers each of these law-abiding citizens an apology, and they probably also deserve compensation.....<<<Read More>>>...