Further Reading

Friday 17 February 2023

Set Your Inner Thoughts Back To Default

 Today is the day to take positive steps towards changing the situations in your life. By thinking differently, by reacting to inner dialogue in a different way ... it is possible to break out of the mould that entombs you in those thought processes which are responsible for manifesting the unending imprisonment around you.

It is just that one thought; like the straw that broke the horse's back, which can change everything. 

Most people look into their lives and strive to go big with the changes on the outside and wonder why nothing every changes.

It happens within. Manifestation happens inwardly and your reality is shaped on what you think and feel. It is a projection of what is happening inside you.Change now, think in a different way. Break your daily routine, and no matter how small that different way is .. providing it sets off a chain reaction of new thoughts and new ideas, then it has worked. 

Perceptions are controlled by direct impressions coming in the mind. Thoughts then develop those impressions into the way you interpret the situations you find yourself in. Then everything is set in stone, and it becomes your reality. So its time to be smart and recognise that your are thinking the wrong thooughts. You always think in the same way. No wonder life stays the same.

Instead of thinking the same old thing ... then finding yourself doing the same old thing ... it is time to think in a new way. Start the change slowly and in small steps ... but, when you think differently. then your life will change.

The powers that be know very well this process. They rely on the media, the schooling and everything around us to shape our reality and keeping us in that reality. The reality they want us to be in. They control our perceptions which in turn means they control our thoughts. They then create the reality we are in their reality.

We break this cycle by recognising what are the wrong perceptions and impressions. We refuse to think in the way they want us to think. We must think freely. We must stop acting like we are slaves and useless 'eaters'. They are controlling our perceptions to think like this.

Go back to your inner dialogue and analyse how it makes you feel. Do your thoughts make you feel happy or sad? Do they make you feel angry with the world? That is where you start. It is time to reset those thoughts back to the default setting you had as a child. Be happy and be 'innocent' like the young child. Innocent means free from imposed burdens.

After resetting your thoughts back to default setting. Start rebuilding your life by creating the reality you want by getting your inner dialogue under control. You need to feel positive and optimistic .... 

Its not easy in this crazy world .... but just simple steps in this process will make a difference - Matthew James