Further Reading

Wednesday 8 February 2023

The Modern Mystery


It is a horrific place, with so much hidden history … so much pent up energy in the air …

Is it coincidence then, that exact spot is involved in the case of the woman who disappeared into thin air?

The official theory by the law of the land is that she fell into the river; at the spot of the drowning pool

A claim harshly disputed by the human mole; who knows it is a ridiculous claim and wants to know why

And so the pointless search for the watery grave extends to the estuary of the river …

All the while, they refuse to discuss the likelihood she is very much alive … which she is …

For that is how it felt when that spooky place was visited …


Tears began to flow at a certain point and there was a sickly feeling in the pit of the stomach too

As feet crossed a line in the ground … something beneath those feet for sure …

Most likely a tunnel … from the manor house to the church nearby …

And in ages past, and possibly in recent times too; the tunnel has been used for hidden ritualistic pursuits

That too is likely to have tainted the soil of that place …..

How many burials are there beneath that ground; how many massacres have taken place there?

History appears to have forgotten it all


Until now … with this rather strange mystery …

Is it by pure coincidence it has happened at this spot … or was it pre-planned

And are there those in the know who have much to hide with a more thorough investigation?

What do we actually have here … what is staring us straight in the face ….

Things often get hidden in plain sight so we do see those things ….

So what are we looking at here?

Instinct says something of great significance so close …


The eagerness now to move the prying eyes away from the river … to the estuary

Perhaps a red herring to get the world’s eyes from looking at that stretch of river?

We see all the old ghosts looking out of the windows of the old manor house …

We see them standing in the fields, wading through the slow moving waters

And we feel that pent up sadness in the air around that place

It may have been written out of local history; but it has not gone away

And when they make up the story she was swept out to sea … what then?


It cannot be the case and it will not stop the mystery

Too much has now been released … too much energy mingled in the minds of the sensitives

Other facts about the land await exposure … are other bodies or bones going to be found?

Will the police plant some of her clothing to substantiate their claims …

There is the old menace still stalking that stretch of the river

It seems the old lord of the manor cannot rest ….

And is stirring things up with his continued hatred and anger.


The horrific place might not be ready to yield and reveal its secrets just yet

But with certainty, the current mystery will not end with a satisfactory outcome

Without doubt it has a manufactured script and storyline already written

And it will be played out in due course … the human mole was not expected to be there searching

He is likely to be taken out of the rescue … and his objections no longer heard

It is likely the next week or so will contain more incredulous claims made by the law of the land

And the truth is not going to be revealed any time soon.


Taken from The Chronicles Of The Storyteller part 1 by Matthew James