Further Reading

Thursday 16 February 2023

Time To Get Out Of The Groove

 It becomes so easy to stick to the same old routine. To get into the groove, the same groove you have always been in; and not change a thing. Becoming predictable, and boring in truth.

We hold our hands up! That is what we think has happened with A Light In The Darkness. We have found a groove and stayed in it. Night after night, day after day ... week after week. Posting the same type of posts, from mainly the same websites; with only a occasional slip into different territory.

We felt that the majority of paranormal and supernatural material is already featured and categorized on her; so why repeat yourself?

And that's how we've got to where we are now - growing old gracefully sitting in the same chair, featuring the same stuff. We make our apologies for losing our unpredictability. 

Its time to break out of that groove, we think, and become more of a 'modern' interpretation of a blog. Wider topics; more insights into personal views and experiences; more subject matter ... to get the interest back and spring clean us ...

And that is where we are at ... so we welcome you to comment on this post and hit us with some new subject matter you would like to hear about.