Further Reading

Tuesday 28 February 2023

WEF Want to Lobotomize the Human Race to Become 6G Antennas

 Really? So the very nice non-human minds behind these crazy psychopaths want us to be antenna for their biotechnology do they? That is hilarious. 

They have stories and theories spread throughout the internet to make humans think the WEF are all powerful and that humans are powerless. 

It is pitiful for it is them who are powerless and need to steal freewill from humans to get power. 

They reinforce the lesser humans are powerless story over and over again. They are the useless ones.  They become a threat when humans give up power and let these monsters utilise the power given to them from humans. Don't give them your freewill. Don't entertain their plans and certainly don't be scared of these sickos.


Not content with euthanizing grandparents, pumping mRNA into the food supply to poison your heart, normalizing pedophilia, and riddling you with cancer via Bill Gates’ highly carcinogenic fake meat, the globalist elites at the WEF now want to give you a full frontal lobotomy via dangerous new technology that will turn humans into transmitters for 6G antennas – with or without your consent.

Human beings could be used as part of an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) antenna system by wearing a special copper-coiled bracelet, according to a team of World Economic Forum-affiliated researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.

The researchers said they developed a low-cost way to “harvest” the radiofrequency (RF) radiation that gets “leaked” during visible light communication (VLC) — a technology they said is likely to be used in the “coming 6G networks.”

But some critics allege that using human beings as antennas for 6G is disrespectful to the human body and may have unknown health implications.

However, Bill Bathgate, an electrical engineer and certified building biology environmental consultant, said it wasn’t feasible to think that wearing the bracelets would not increase people’s exposure to RF. “That’s not possible,” he said.

Commenting on the WEF plans, Bathgate said, “This is one of the worst ideas ever.” It uses the human body as a “telecommunications point in some kind of network grid” and could result in “health effects we can’t predict,” he said.

Given the WEF’s track record, I think we can predict that the health consequences will be disastrous for the average person. Think about the Covid-19 vaccine roll out and the recent revelation that Bill Gates’ fake meat products are highly carcinogenic. Check out our recent videos about 5G and the fake meat scam for more information.

Whatever you do, do not underestimate these people. They are mad, drunk on power, and they do not have our best interests at heart. And their plans have been in the works for years....<<<Read More>>>...