Further Reading

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Are gene-based “vaccines” and EMF threatening our self-actualisation?

 Self-actualisation is a quality that marks us as humans and differentiates us from animals. Self-actualised people have, for example, a better perception of reality, acceptance of self and others, empathy and discernment.

Humans are reflective, we have the free will to decide what to do. More than this, ascertaining truth relies not just on logic and evidence but our capacity to correctly interpret and evaluate experience. This consciousness and intelligence rely on support from our physiology – at the most fundamental level both the integrity of DNA and its expression and upon inter-cellular electrical systems.

As such, there are two significant threats to our higher consciousness and self-actualisation: gene editing and EMF radiation. Both appear to be capable of reducing the intimacy between consciousness and intellect.

In October 2022, an article appeared in Independent Science News entitled ‘Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?’. In essence, it appears that concerns about the origin of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Guinea were suppressed by the same scientists who rushed to suppress information about Covid’s origins. A nearby research lab was in the process of experimenting on the Ebola virus. As was the case with Covid, factually inaccurate and misleading information was used to argue for a zoonotic origin, while the lab leak theory was buried.

This and much else raises questions about transparency, judgement, integrity and truth. Are they still alive and well? In fact, you may have noticed there is a surfeit of confused anxiety, poor judgement, misplaced conviction, and aggressive behaviour evident of late in society and in personal relationships. To a superficial observer, much of this appears to have been switched on following the advent of Covid vaccination programs. In reality, there must be multiple causes for pandemic-era dysfunction, but suspicion remains that mRNA vaccines may have psychological effects....<<<Read More>>>...