This crazy world gets crazier every day. Very soon they will find the means to make every English word offensive.
Maybe the word OXFAM should now be banned for being offensive. I find it offensive as it suggests an organisation that incites racial division and prejudice
Oxfam has issued staff with a “bizarre” new “inclusive” language guide that warns against using a whole slew of normal words like “headquarters,” “local,” “people,” and “mother”.The global poverty and hunger charity has been slammed for caving to absurd levels of political correctness.
They even apologized that the guide was written in English.
The indoctrination ‘guide’ states:
“We recognise that this guide has its origin in English, the language of a colonising nation. We acknowledge the Anglo-supremacy of the sector as part of its coloniality”
“This guide aims to support people who have to work and communicate in the English language as part of this colonial legacy. However, we recognise that the dominance of English is one of the key issues that must be addressed in order to decolonise our ways of working and shift power.”
Summit News reports: Apparently, merely using the English language is now racist and offensive....<<<Read More>>>...