Further Reading

Friday 21 April 2023

Imagine what would happen if everyone followed the advice of dim-witted Edred, the eco snooker saboteur, and stopped having babies

 What a miserable existence this would be if everyone took to heart Edred Whittingham’s idiotic theory that it’s immoral to have children, since we ‘can’t guarantee there will be a habitable planet for them to grow up in’.

For anyone who missed the story, Mr W is the dim-witted Just Stop Oil activist who disrupted the World Snooker Championship in Sheffield this week by spreading orange powder over one of the tables.

Just imagine the world we’d be condemned to if every couple of child-bearing age thought: ‘Oooh! We’d better listen to Edred! People don’t throw orange powder around at sporting events, after all, unless they’re profound moral philosophers!’

First there would be no more babies, of course, then no schoolchildren. As the decades passed, there would be no able-bodied workers to keep the wheels of industry turning, till the fields to feed us, pay our pensions, fix our heating, or nurse us in sickness and old age.

Finally, within just 100 years, only a few centenarians would be left — no doubt cold, hungry and destitute. Then there would be no one at all.

I suppose Mr Whittingham is right when he says we can’t guarantee the planet will remain habitable for future generations.

Which of us, after all, can see into the future with perfect clarity?

But what we can guarantee, with absolute certainty, is that if everyone stops having babies, there will be no future generations to inhabit the planet.

I therefore find it hard to disagree with the billionaire Elon Musk, slightly cracked though he sometimes appears, when he argues this week that population collapse, with the spread of contraception and abortion, represents a far greater danger to human existence than overpopulation or global warming.

In my view, the tragedy is that so many young people appear to have fallen for the line promoted by the likes of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion.

 Indeed, a global survey of 10,000 people aged 15 to 25 found as many as 39 per cent say they hesitate to have children because they are frightened of climate change....<<<Read More>>>...