Further Reading

Thursday 20 April 2023

Mercury Retrograde: Navigating the Tricky Waters of Communication, Technology, and Personal Growth

 Mercury Retrograde is a period of time when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward from our perspective on Earth. This phenomenon happens three to four times a year, for a period of approximately three weeks each time.

In astrology, Mercury is the planet that rules communication, technology, transportation, and commerce. When Mercury is in retrograde, the energies associated with these areas of our lives can become distorted or disrupted, leading to misunderstandings, miscommunications, technical glitches, and delays in travel plans.

Mercury will turn retrograde on Friday April 21st, and will remain retrograde until Sunday May 14th. Because Mercury is currently in Taurus, a sign that greatly values stability and security, the effects of this retrograde period may feel more jarring than normal.

Many people view Mercury Retrograde as a time to dread or fear, but others see it as an opportunity for reflection, revision, and growth. By understanding the energies at play during this time, and taking proactive steps to navigate them, you can minimize the potential for disruptions and maximize the potential for positive change.

But what exactly causes Mercury Retrograde? From our perspective on Earth, the planets appear to move in their orbits around the Sun. However, because of the way the planets move relative to each other, there are times when a planet appears to be moving backward from our perspective. This is called retrograde motion. Mercury, being the planet closest to the Sun, has the shortest orbit and is therefore in retrograde motion more often than the other planets....<<Read More>>>....