Further Reading

Sunday 23 April 2023

The Covid Jabs Have Created Millions of Zombies

 I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested and unnecessary covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of populations around the world.

I now believe that the deaths and the maimings weren’t side effects at all – they were the main effects. And in addition to the deaths and the serious health problems (heart disease for example) the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a new population of zombies. It is because of this brain damage that so many people readily accept digital currencies, the banishment of cash and other steps towards total slavery. The vaxxed are different to the rest of us: they don’t notice what is happening. In the land of the vaxxed, the cretin is king.

(The alternative explanation is that the vaccine pushers were so ignorant that they didn’t realise what would happen. And I don’t think that these arrogant, wicked people will want to be thought stupid. They would rather be recognised for what they are. The vaccine pushers took the bows, the honours and the money. When justice prevails at last, they will pay for their heinous sins. Incidentally, I find it nauseating that doctors in the UK are on strike for more money but that they and their trade union leaders encouraged the jabbing and denied that there were serious risks.)

It was back in December 2020 that I first started warning about the serious health problems which would affect the gullible folk who succumbed to the lies and misinformation shared so widely and enthusiastically by governments, the medical establishment and the mainstream media. (That video is available on this website and if the wind blows in the right direction you can probably find copies on Bitchute and BrandNewTube. If there aren’t copies there I’d be delighted if someone would put right that omission!) ...<<<Read More>>>....