Further Reading

Wednesday 26 April 2023

WHO is forging ahead with plans to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate

 SIMPLE. We, the people, DO NOT CONSENT. Government ministers are PUBLIC SERVANTS. They serve us the people. 

Those at the WHO are not our rulers and cannot decide our future in our absensce. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT CONSENT. 

We do this by not giving them any of our power. They have no power of their own so lets starve them ....


 The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) are a completely different set of proposals to the “Pandemic Treaty” that will not need to be signed by any President or Prime Minister, nor would the proposed amendments require the advice and consent of the Senate or Parliament.

Amendments to the IHR were adopted in 2022 without Senate/Parliament confirmation. The amendments that are currently being proposed could easily be adopted in the same manner in either May 2023 or 2024.

Among the 307 amendments to the IHR proposed by 94 member nations of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) are several that would seek to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate.

The World Health Assembly (“WHA”) meets from 21 to 30 May 2023. In preparation for this meeting, they have been uploading documents. These documents include a progress report referred to as ‘Report O’. This report states that they going to implement a Global Digital Health certification network.

30. The Secretariat has also been exploring options for the digitalisation of the International Certificate for Vaccination or Prophylaxis, particularly in the context of the measures implemented in relation to covid-19 pandemic, and will continue to explore options for interoperability platforms for the verification of validity of such digital certificates. As referred to in document A76/37 (Report O), WHO is working with partners to establish a Global Digital Health Certification Network, which is intended to enable Member States to verify the authenticity of vaccination certificates issued under International Health Regulations (2005), as well as other health documents. [Emphasis our own.] Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005), 

World Health Organisation, 21 April 2023, page 7

“They say, ‘Oh well, it’s on a voluntary basis’. [But] what they’ve been doing is building the infrastructure – if you could imagine the infrastructure needed to be able to track and trace everybody on the planet, it’s a large systems task,” James Roguski told Steve Bannon’s War Room. “Building these systems – it takes time, it takes money.” This perhaps is an indication they don’t really intend for it to be “voluntary” for long.....<<<Read More>>>...