Further Reading

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Exiting The Matrix Created By Our Bias

 Another election cycle in the United States is coming around and I’m already seeing political battles, hyperbolic comments, and black & white thinking dominate the discourse.

In some countries, it feels like chunks of society go mildly insane during election cycles. People protect their candidate of choice, pretending as if they can do no wrong while all others can do nothing right.

News outlets, especially those captured by corporations and governments, join the fun and confuse the masses with their own brand of corporate bias.

As bias becomes overwhelming, echo chambers become the environment of choice for those seeking refuge. After all, it can be more comfortable to not be challenged.

The end result? A confused, divided and polarized masses where many live in a reality or bubble shaped by bias and echo chambers, not even realizing there are other completely valid perspectives out there.

The good news is, as the discomfort with this insanity rises and the cycle continues to show a lack of meaningful progress, an openness to a solution becomes more apparent. In this case, the solution is to become more conscious.

Conscious of what exactly? Our bias, its sources, and what we can do about it. Although I won’t get into this too much in this piece, overcoming the grips of bias is not just a cognitive process, but one built upon physical embodiment and spiritual curiosity....<<<Read More>>>...