Further Reading

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Why Live In Fear?

Everything seems to be doom and gloom at the moment. No matter where you look it seems that we are in a hopeless situation. That it is useless to resist what the un-elected, self appointed, organisations like the WHO and the WEF are planning. It seems like the world we once knew, with relative freedom, is about to collapse and those that survive must adhere to the fascist control agenda, or be exterminated.


It is how they want you to be. In a constant state of fear and panic. They want you to feel useless and helpless. It is part of their agenda, and their mind control program.

Very soon they are likely to offer a very tempting helping hand to the world; something that will apparently take away the fear, and the hopelessness. They will offer to control your life for you. "You will own nothing and be happy".

Sorry to say, by freely choosing to grab that helping hand, you will be doomed forever. This, on a large scale, is an agenda aligned with problem, reaction, solution. We are at the problem stage. Manufactured chaos and destruction of human society (And mass depopulation as there are too many of us for their plan to work). They have peddled the problem narratives - viruses and vaccines, bogus climate change and global warning blah blah blah.

They are witnessing the reactions, which they have manufactured by their mind control techniques through all their media channels. The music industry. The news and newspapers. The TV and film programming.

We have been dumbed down from our true potential by poisons in the food, in the air, and in the water. They also use sound frequency mind control - wifi etc. They obviously believe we are in a hopeless state now, and are dumbed down enough to fall for their solution.

Its on its way. Digital control frameworks, constant surveillance and control, and of course the fake UFO invasions.. Its all going to be sold as they know what's best for us, and they need to control every aspect of your life.

I for one would take a bullet in the head, rather than fall for their evil little plan. There are always around 25-30% of any population group that cannot be mind controlled. So that's a minimum of 30% of the human  population that will not play ball. We need around another 20 - 25% not conforming for their little plan to fail. Its likely we are currently at that point with the speed they are trying to bring things in.

Remember, this entire thing is all about perception. If you are made to perceive that you live in fear and are useless, then that becomes your reality. That has been their agenda all along. For thousands of years they have ruled us by fear. Around 1 - 5 million people ruled by a central core of around 100 - 200 people. An entire population made as slaves by so few people!

If you refuse to feel useless and don't live in fear then your perception alters and your actual energy frequency/vibration lifts to a point they cannot touch you with anything they throw at you. The worst thing is death; if you don't fear dying ... then why worry about what probably will not happen.

Everything in the media and on the WWW is illusion and controlled perception. It is not the true picture at all!!! .... Matthew James 15.6.23