Further Reading

Friday 25 August 2023

URGENT EMERGENCY MESSAGE: PREPARE for SHTF NOW! This Isn’t a Drill – This is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!

 America, the silence of your smartphones, the darkness of your cities, and the imminent collapse of your economy may just be around the corner! If you aren’t prepared, you might be left behind in the chaos.

For years, conspiracy theorists have been saying that the world is heading toward a catastrophic event. They’ve been labeled as fearmongers and dismissed. But, when one of the highest-ranking officers in the United States military comes forward with such a chilling message, even the skeptics must sit up and take note.

General Saltzman – not your everyday internet alarmist, but the Chief of the Space Force – is giving an emergency warning to the American populace about a forthcoming storm that could change the face of our country, and perhaps, the world: World War III. The fact that such a respected figure has come forward with this information underscores the gravity of the situation.

Remember when wars were fought with guns and tanks? Welcome to the modern era. Now, the buttons that launch attacks are not on weapons, but on keyboards, and their effects could be far more catastrophic.

An EMP, or Electromagnetic Pulse, is not a new concept. But its potential use as a weapon is becoming increasingly real. General Saltzman warns of an EMP attack that would target America’s satellites. Imagine waking up to complete radio silence: no internet, no TV, no mobile networks. That’s the horror an EMP attack can bring.

Without these satellites, America would be plunged into darkness – both metaphorically and literally. Our dependency on technology has become our Achilles’ heel. With communication systems down, the entire nation could descend into chaos....<<<Read More>>>....