Further Reading

Friday 29 September 2023

Crop Circles: What Is Behind These Complex & Intricate Works of Art?

 When I say “complex” and “Intricate works of art,” I am referring to just that. Documented designs that have appeared in crop fields all over the world continue to bewilder and perplex researchers.

They truly make one question the nature of reality, and how little we know about our world.If these designs are indeed hoaxes, then the makers have obviously succeeded in capturing the attention of the world in a way that not many works of art ever achieve.

This article will use a few examples to explain what makes these formations so interesting and mysterious to those who study them and will explore the leading theories in the field.

There are two main factors that have made these formations so mysterious, the designs and the way they are made. These two factors alone desperately beg the question, who has the technology to create them?

What most people don't know about complex crop circles is the fact that there are differences between circles where plants are broken by what is clearly some sort of mechanical action, and those where some form of energy has exploded the nodes in the stalks, which causes them to fall over in a particular way.

It’s not conclusively known how this is done, but the effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating. This type of technique causes water inside the stalk to vaporize and dislodge. As a result, the stalk flops completely over to one side.

Which ones are made by humans? I’ll leave that up to the reader to decide. But we will get to some examples that show some interesting plant abnormalities....<<<Read More>>>

Is It Time to Stop Ridiculing Ancient Aliens?

 If we ever get full disclosure one would have to thank Erich Von Daniken, author of Chariots of the Gods, and the show it spawned on the History Channel. His introduction to this material was the first inkling for many people, although I was intrigued by the possibilities after reading Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins.

I was very taken with von Daniken’s book when it came out in 1968, even though he was mocked as a pseudoscientist and had a prior reputation as something of a con man; it seemed clear to me that there were many mysteries on this planet that mainstream science and archeology were getting wrong....<<<Read More>>>...

The Underground Cities, Crimes Against Humanity, The Quantum Financial System and NESARA GESARA

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a colossal construction effort unfolded beneath our feet, orchestrated by an unlikely alliance of the U.S. Military and City Services. What was once concealed beneath layers of secrecy is now emerging as a shocking revelation.

This article delves deep into the underground cities, unveils the harrowing crimes against humanity and children, and sheds light on a conspiracy that reaches beyond the corridors of power.

In the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the world battled an invisible enemy, a different kind of battle raged beneath our very feet. A construction endeavor of unprecedented proportions unfolded, one that seemed too far-fetched for the realm of reality. Yet, it was happening, right beneath our noses.

The Enigma of Underground Cities. Underground cities – the term itself carries an air of mystique and intrigue. While most of us were confined to our homes, a complex subterranean world was taking shape. But why? The answer lies in a remarkable collaboration between the U.S. Military and City Services, a partnership that transcends traditional boundaries....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Dictator Dan Departs

 Victorians are gearing up for a major celebration scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, as they mark the resignation of Premier Dan Andrews, who, if there had been a WEF competition for the harshest despot during the “Covid” era, would have likely been a top contender.

As a result of this he has not been a popular figure and now due to his resignation there is to be a celebration organised by the Melbourne Freedom Rally, who are thrilled at the news and advise that the event is set to be a “significant gathering at the steps of Victorian Parliament House, where locals will come together to mark the end of Andrews’ long reign as Premier.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Consciousness May Be Part of the Fabric of the Universe

 One of the most intriguing and controversial topics in philosophy and science is the nature and origin of consciousness. We humans are undoubtedly conscious beings, capable of experiencing, feeling, and reflecting on our own existence and the mysteries of reality.

But what is the source of this consciousness? Is it a product of our brains, or does it transcend the physical realm? Is it a unique property of living organisms, or is it a fundamental aspect of the universe that pervades all matter?

These questions were the focus of a recent workshop at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, where philosophers and physicists gathered to discuss panpsychism, the view that consciousness is not a rare or emergent phenomenon, but a basic and universal feature of reality that is present in every particle and system.

According to panpsychism, consciousness is not something that arises from complex arrangements of matter, but something that is inherent to matter itself. It is a fundamental property of reality, like mass or charge, that has always existed and is woven into the very fabric of the universe....<<<Read More>>>...


The Rollright Stones

 This complex of megalithic monuments lies on the boundary between Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, on the edge of the Cotswold hills. They span nearly 2000 years of Neolithic and Bronze age development and each site dates from a different period.

The oldest, the Whispering Knights dolmen, is early Neolithic, circa 3,800-3,500 BC, the King's Men stone circle is late Neolithic, circa 2,500 BC; and the King Stone is early to middle Bronze Age, circa 1,500 BC. 

The Stones are made of natural boulders of Jurassic oolitic limestone which forms the bulk of the Cotswold hills. This stone has been used extensively in the region for building everything from churches and houses to stone walls. The boulders used to construct the Rollright Stones were probably collected from within 500m of the site. 

The origin of the name ‘Rollright’ is somewhat uncertain. One interpretation is that it is derived from the Old English ‘Hrolla’+ ‘landriht’, the land-right or property of Hrolla. Old English is the earliest historical form of the English language brought to England by Anglo-Saxon settlers probably in the mid 5th century.

Another theory is that it is derived from an even older Celtic language ‘rod’ + ‘land’ + ‘ricc’ meaning the ‘ricc’ (groove, gorge or steep valley) by the ‘rodland’ (wheel arena) – i.e. the stone circle....<<<Read More>>>...

Researcher discovered mysterious structures on the Moon

 Renowned ufologist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring is back in the spotlight with his latest discovery: mysterious structures on the surface of the Moon.

In photographs of the Moon obtained by the American space agency NASA, he discovered something that raises many questions.

Waring’s discovery became the subject of discussion among lovers of the mysteries of space. The ufologist said that the photograph was published by NASA just a few days ago, and immediately after that he began a detailed analysis of it.

According to Waring, the photograph shows structures that could not have formed naturally. These unusual objects could have been built by extraterrestrial civilizations, the researcher believes....<<<Read More>>>...

It Really Will Be a Red October This Year!

Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week. The Pentagon will do some major housecleaning when General Charles Q Brown takes over on October 1st, CIA sources say. The mass murdering Russian Chabad agent Vladimir Zelensky left Washington empty-handed. Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg are resigning, and much more.

A big sign of change is the public release of documents showing the COVID-19 pandemic was a US Department of Defense Operation dating back to President Barack Obama....<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 24 September 2023

G20 heralds launch of government-controlled CBDCs and digital IDs worldwide

 The leaders of the 20 largest world economies, famously known as the Group of 20 nations (G20) have agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and digital IDs across their territories during the recent New Delhi Summit.

The G20, currently under India's presidency, adopted a final declaration on the subject over the weekend in the Asian nation's capital. However, this decision naturally incited major anxieties given its potential as a mechanism through which governments can keep tabs on their citizens' spending habits and stifle opposition. According to the group, discussions are already underway to create international regulations for cryptocurrencies. However, many are alarmed by the potential grooming of said digital money through government-aided regulation, which could subsequently lead to the replacement of these decentralized digital currencies with state-controlled Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) that could override privacy and security attributes...<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 22 September 2023

Are We Being Watched by Alien AI? A New Perspective on the UAP Phenomenon

 The recent release of the U.S. government’s report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) has sparked renewed interest and speculation about the nature and origin of these mysterious objects.

While some experts have suggested that UAP could be advanced technology from foreign adversaries or secret military projects, others have not ruled out the possibility that they could be evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI).

However, what if the ETI behind the UAP is not biological, but artificial? What if we are dealing with stealthy probes sent by a civilization that has transcended the limits of organic life and evolved into a post-biological or post-singularity state?...<<<Read More>>>...

DARPA & Moderna teamed up to create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections which led to a Deadly COVID “Vaccine"

 The introduction of foreign nucleic acids – RNA or DNA – into the body to generate foreign proteins is, by definition, gene therapy, regardless of whether or not the subject’s own genes are changed by it.

Cationic lipids, like the lipid nanoparticles used in mRNA vaccines, are capable of transfecting basically any type of cell with instructions to make proteins.  If the immune system catches a cell producing non-human proteins, some seriously bad things will happen to that cell.

There has been a major push for the adoption of nucleic acid vaccine tech in prior years, largely hidden from the public eye. In order to begin tracing it out, one must simply perform date range searches for the years prior to 2020, for nucleic acid vaccines. The cheerleaders of this technology immediately reveal themselves. And they are all looking for technology that is easy, rapid, and cost-effective for development and manufacture.

Naturally, the military would be interested in this technology for quickly vaccinating large populations of people against bioweapons ahead of pandemic spread, because it offers the potential for rapid development and deployment of countermeasures in a wartime scenario with equally rapid-developed bioweapons being flung all over the place.  This is where DARPA’s ADEPT comes in.

DARPA openly brag on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of ADEPT.  As Stat News reported:

“A review of dozens of patent applications found [Moderna] received approximately $20 million from the federal government in grants several years ago and the funds “likely” led to the creation of its vaccine technology. This was used to develop vaccines to combat different viruses, such as Zika and, later, the virus that causes Covid-19.”

Corporate media, with few exceptions, are largely silent on this matter.  The reason you have been kept in the dark is because you are the target of a globe-spanning military operation, with population reduction, mass surveillance, tyrannical control of people’s movements, and the destruction of human autonomy through implanted technology as its end goal....<<<Read More>>>...

U.K. passes Online Safety Bill in latest attack targeting online free speech and privacy in Britain

 The U.K.'s House of Commons recently passed the Online Safety Bill, which represents the country's latest and most damaging attack to online free speech and privacy.

The bill supposedly aims to keep websites and different types of internet-based platforms free of illegal and harmful material, while allegedly defending online freedom of expression at the same time.

The bill's provisions apply to search engines, internet services that host user-generated content like YouTube and social media platforms, online forums, certain kinds of online games and sites that publish or display pornographic or otherwise adult content...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 16 September 2023

Purported ‘Extraterrestrial Remains’ Revealed at congress hearing in Mexico City

 A Mexican ufologist, Jaime Maussan, has claimed to have two alien corpses that he presented to the Mexican Congress on Wednesday. He said that the corpses were more than 1,000 years old and were found in Peru in 2017.

He also said that they had been studied by scientists who found that their DNA was partly unknown and that they had implants made of rare metals.

They reportedly found that more than 30 per cent of the extracted DNA was “unknown”, and said both bodies contained implants made of extremely rare metals.

X-rays of the “bodies” were also shown at the hearing, with one said by experts to contain eggs.

The UNAM team also determined, through carbon 14 analysis, that the “beings” were buried for a millennium inside diatoms, a type of algae that doesn’t allow the growth of bacteria or fungi, which is how they remained so well preserved.

Maussan insisted that the supposed extraterrestrials were not mummies, but “whole, complete, bodies” that “have not been manipulated inside and that have a series of elements that make them truly extraordinary,”....<<<Read More>>>...



Image of the Day - "Íomhá an lae inniu den lá"



Immunisation Agenda 2030: Bill Gates’ latest plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child on Earth

 Before we get to IA2030, it is important to put WHO’s documents into context and to establish the integrity of WHO’s statements about vaccines.  To demonstrate that WHO is not truthful to the public, below is a comparison of what is said by a senior WHO official in promotional material to what was said at a WHO summit.

On 2 to 3 December 2019, WHO convened the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. The summit aimed to “take stock of [the] accomplishments” of WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) and to work toward finalising the agency’s Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint 2.0 strategy 2021-2030.

On 28 November 2019, paediatrician Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO’s Chief Scientist, assured the public in a commercial that “vaccines are very safe” and that vaccine safety tracking is robust, and examining the data lets them promptly address problems. They are “thoroughly monitored.”

Four days later, at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, Dr. Swaminathan admitted: “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries. We can’t give answers about the deaths. We need to put mechanisms in place to monitor what’s going on. With many drugs, we only learn about adverse events after they are introduced to the populations.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Newly approved COVID jabs only tested on mice – just EIGHT of them – and NEVER in humans

So far, the public's response to the latest and greatest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" from Pfizer and Moderna that just received approval and emergency use authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is overwhelmingly negative, and for good reason: the shots are untested and unsafe.

Almost unbelievably, Newsweek, which just a few years ago was calling for the unvaccinated to be jailed, is calling out the FDA for approving these new so-called "vaccines" without any clinical trials on humans.

According to that report, the new "booster" shots (or whatever you want to call them) were only tested on mice, and on a mere eight of them. If that is not piss-poor "science," then we surely do not know what is.

"These updated boosters will be the first released to the public without any humans involved in the clinical trials, raising questions from some about the efficacy," Newsweek's Nick Mordowanec writes...<<<Read More>>>...


Tuesday 12 September 2023

The Loudest Deceptions Provide The Greatest Evolutionary Potential

 It’s no secret that people are continually walking away from traditional media- it’s deeply failing to inform people. Aside from the obvious mistruths being spread via mainstream outlets, I believe the driver of a ‘meaning crisis’ is at play as well.

A meaning crisis happens when the existing story or philosophy that drives a society no longer resonates or makes sense to people. This can happen as we learn more and expand our knowledge collectively, or even as we evolve in what we feel is important to us.

These types of cultural evolutions have occurred for millennia, and right now is not all that different. Simply put, the story that has driven modern society for decades is dying and that comes with a great deal of symptoms.

Predictably, some view the mass exodus from mainstream media as a misplaced loss of trust in institutions driven by ‘fake news’ online and growing polarization. This is common. There have always been those within an evolution who hold onto the old story even as it makes no sense.

I think back to when I first began publishing alternative ideas around public events in 2009. We were of a few who questioned things like the safety of Monsanto products, the trustworthiness of Big Pharma, or whether or not we were being told the truth about major events like 9/11, wars or subjects like UFOs and consciousness.

Back then, we were aggressively attacked as pseudoscientific, fringe conspiracy theorists - even when it came to subjects that are common knowledge today. Many of the things we published back then are now the popular ideas discussed by major influencers today, including mainstream media.

Things like Big Pharma knowingly creating the opioid problem and getting regulators on their side during the process. UFOs being covered up by governments is now a mainstream idea, and inquiring about the topic doesn’t mean you’re fringe and unhinged anymore. The subject of consciousness has moved from culty pseudoscientific nonsense to one major universities are publishing research on.

Back in the day, we’d get smashed with heavy judgements and fake news strikes for questioning 9/11, but now big YouTube influencers can freely talk about it and get good reach primarily because it’s less frowned upon....<<<Read More>>>...

Nanoparticles: Pioneers of progress or harbingers of danger?

 Technologies based on nanoscale materials – for example, particles that are more than 10,000 times smaller than the period at the end of this sentence – play a growing role in our world.

Carbon nanofibers strengthen airplanes and bicycle frames, silver nanoparticles make bacteria-resistant fabrics, and moisturizing nanoparticles called nanoliposomes are used in cosmetics.

Nanotechnology is also revolutionizing medicine and pushing the boundaries of human performance. If you received a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, it contained nanoparticles.

In the future, nanotechnology may allow doctors to better treat brain diseases and disorders like cancer and dementia because nanoparticles pass easily through the blood-brain barrier....<<<Read More>>>...


Exposing The Agenda To Implement Global Totalitarianism Based On Technocratic & Transhumanist Ideologies

 It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention.

The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset.

The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans.

While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference.

In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm

Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 11 September 2023

Energy Bill Authorises “Reasonable Force” to Install Smart Meters that Allow Authorities to Turn Customers’ Energy On and Off.

 You probably know that a massive Energy Bill is being rushed through Parliament by our fake ‘Conservative’ Government in the first two days of our parliamentarians’ return from their generous summer break. The Bill is 446 pages long and written in dense, largely-incomprehensible-to-any-normal-person legalise.

Moreover, many clauses in the Energy Bill make reference to other pieces of previous legislation. So, to fully understand the Bill, you would have to read at least a thousand pages of dense legalistic gobbledegook. says David Craig author of  There is No Climate Crisis, and author of the article below.

Given that our MPs have just passed the Bill with a mere nine voting against it, one must assume that they have spent their summer holidays diligently reading through the Bill and other relevant legislation in order to fully understand what they were voting for.

As you’ll see, this legislative monster covers an awful lot of areas – energy production, regulation of the energy market, CO2 transport and storage, carbon capture, hydrogen production, low-carbon heat schemes, hydrogen grid trials, heat networks, smart appliances, load control, energy performance of industrial and residential premises, offshore energy production and the civil nuclear sector. We must be considered fortunate in Britain to have MPs who have such a strong work ethic and such a deep understanding of all these disparate issues to be able to vote for the new Energy Bill knowing exactly what they are voting for.

Life is too short for any normal person to read and to try to understand this massive abomination of almost impenetrable legalise. But here are some choice titbits which I think I understand....<<<Read More>>>

Top 6 ways the GENOCIDE CULT wants to FORCE-VACCINATE all humans, except themselves and their own children

 Anyone who thinks they can refuse to be turned into an immune-compromised mutant is in for a rude awakening, according to the pharma globalists that are all part of a genocidal cult with the same agenda – reduce the world's population by several billion people using deadly spike proteins and snake venom peptides. Since the fear-based plandemic only scared about 5.5 billion sheeple worldwide (over 72% of the world's population) into getting at least one deadly dose of millions of toxic spike proteins, the globalists are scheming and plotting many other ways to infect the rest of the humans with their lab-concocted population reduction "medicines."

The globalists now have their lab coat "technicians" working around the clock to create novel ways to infect every human with deadly prions, venom, and nanoparticles that cause vascular clots, vital organ failure, brain damage, and infertility. By injection, food, physical touch, or the atmosphere, one way or another, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are trying to ensure that everybody on planet earth (except themselves) gets force-vaccinated with population-reduction technology.

This is no conspiracy theory, as the "science" and evidence has piled up as high as a mountain, in every nation of the world, and is literally bragged about by the people funding and promoting it all...<<<Read More >>>...

Friday 8 September 2023

Fake president Joe Biden decides to MASK UP again after multiple-jabbed wife tests positive for COVID

 Just in time for the 2024 presidential election cycle, the Biden regime is manufacturing fear about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) while pushing Americans to put back on those face masks.

The White House is claiming that Dr. Jill Biden, the wife of fake president Joe Biden, recently tested "positive" for the Fauci Flu while vacationing in Delaware. In response, Joe Biden has decided to wear a mask indoors.

Despite being double-vaccinated and twice-boosted, Dr. Jill is still getting sick with COVID, though she is said to be suffering "only mild symptoms." Even so, Joe is covering his face with a COVID mask to hopefully persuade the dumbest Americans to follow his lead.

"This evening, the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19," announced Elizabeth Alexander, Dr. Jill's communications director. "She is currently experiencing only mild symptoms. She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware."

In a follow-up statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, it was declared that Joe himself tested "negative" for COVID, but is still choosing to wear a mask.

"Following the First Lady's positive test for COVID-19, President Biden was administered a COVID test this evening," Pierre said. "The president tested negative. The president will test at a regular cadence this week and monitor for symptoms."...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 7 September 2023

Two viewpoints to challenge the new covid variant hysteria

 Eris was the ancient Greek goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. It is also the name of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant that corporate media has been publicising as the hopeful beginnings of another campaign of fear and behaviour control.

Below are two different viewpoints to challenge the corporate media hype.  The first is to question what covid variant they claim to be testing for.  The second describes covid as the rebranding of seasonal colds and flu – a rebranding that can be done time and time again to create an endless war. 

Jill Biden tested positive for covid yesterday, just days before Joe Biden is due to travel to a Group of 20 summit in India. Her positive test is presumably to increase the hype about the new variant, and to get out of going to India.  Joe has tested negative for covid so he still plans to make the trip.

Putting aside that covid tests cannot detect an infection, it would be interesting to know which covid variant the Biden’s were tested for. 

According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) ‘Covid Data Tracker’ as of 2 September, EG.5 tops the list.  Eris, or EG.5, doesn’t seem to be one of the more than 280 SAR-CoV-2 variants Sino Biological has in its bank.

Sino Biological, headquartered in Beijing and listed on the Shenzhen stock exchange, provides independently developed and produced recombinant proteins, antibodies and cDNA clones for basic, translational and clinical research. 

The 280+ SARS-CoV-2 variants that Sino Biological has in its bank are, according to its Material Safety Data Sheet, “not to be used in humans. In the absence of any express written agreement to the contrary, products sold by Sino Biological, Inc. are for research use only.”

“For research use only” unless there is a “written agreement.”  What other use do commercially produced SARS-CoV-2 variants have? We don’t know what regulations and oversight there are on the buying and selling of virus components, especially the disease-causing spike proteins, and we couldn’t find any obvious controls stated on Sino Biological’s website.  The selling of variants without independent oversight is concerning enough but that Sino Biologicals sells them for reasons other than research rings alarm bells....<<<Read More>>>....

Saharan sand sparks urgent warning as ‘toxic’ dust cloud sweeps UK

If this sand that fell over the UK today (We had it here in the NW) is normal sand from the Sahara Desert, how come the sand is MAGNETIC?

Yes, one of our friends tested samples of the 'sand' today and videoed the sand being magnetic!

Magnetic makes me think of .... Graphene Oxide perhaps ...

A natural phenomenon ... yes it is! Pedogenic Hematite and Magnetite is apparently present in Sahara sand deposits...<<< Research>>>....


Dust from the Sahara is sweeping across the UK this week, creating stunning sunsets – but also posing a risk to those with asthma.

Nasa’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) has captured the incredible scenes as vast swaths of Sahara sand blow across Europe and land in the UK.

The snapshot of the Earth shows observations of the phenomenon on Wednesday, September 6.

The satellite imagery is available within three hours of observation – essentially showing the entire Earth as it looks ‘right now’.

Explaining the phenomenon, the Met Office said: ‘Saharan dust is a mixture of sand and dust from the Sahara, the vast desert area that covers most of North Africa.

‘As in other parts of the world, the wind can blow strongly over deserts – whipping up dust and sand high into the sky.

‘If the winds in the upper part of the atmosphere are blowing north, the dust can be carried as far as the UK.’...<<<Read More>>>...

Are DEW and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted up Worldwide?

 According to Wikipedia, in “early August 2023, a series of wildfires broke out in the U.S. state of Hawaii, predominantly on the island of Maui. The wind-driven fires prompted evacuations, caused widespread damage, killing at least 115 people and leaving 388 others missing in the town of Lāhainā.”

Residents of Maui are recounting another, more fiendish account altogether. They do not agree with the official casualty toll either.

I have watched various images and commentary-laced video clips of this strange event and concede that they can be attributed to Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). I was sceptical of DEW capabilities until the Maui incident.

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) describes DEW as “concentrated electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets. These weapons include high energy lasers and other high power electromagnetics—such as millimeter wave and high power microwave weapons…If a greater amount of force is required, DEWs can also damage or destroy enemy assets. To do this, a high energy laser can emit electromagnetic energy with a wavelength the target material absorbs most effectively, melting the material.” The GAO summary also adds that high energy lasers…are “capable of melting steel.” (italics added for emphasis)....<<<Read More>>>...

Near death journey challenged an atheist’s belief system

 There are many unanswered questions in life – the essence of life, existence beyond our planet, and what lies ahead after death. These mysteries have perplexed brilliant minds worldwide, with divergent beliefs about the afterlife.

While some strongly believe in heaven and hell or reincarnation, others deny the existence of an afterlife, proclaiming that we simply cease to exist. However, one man’s encounter during a near-death experience challenges this disbelief, reports jpost.com.

Jose Hernandez, an avowed atheist, shares how a life-altering incident transformed his perspective. Speaking to the YouTube channel Shaman Oaks, Hernandez recounts his extraordinary journey that began with a routine work assignment as an engineer.

Hernandez’s near-death experience occurred while fixing an electrical issue from atop a bucket truck....<<<Read More>>>...


Is THIS the reason why blue cars, blue umbrellas and other blue things didn’t burn in the Maui fires?

 Inquisitive minds are not buying the official story that the fires in Maui were a natural and unexpected event – and certainly not one that is the product of some mythical concept like "climate change" or "global warming."

Like the recent fires in California and Australia, the Hawaii fires are "unlike anything we've ever seen before," to quote Greg Reese of Infowars, who put together the following informational video about what many believe really happened in West Maui.

"They are being called 'forest fires' and 'wildfires,' but they are clearly something very different," Reese explains.

"These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched. In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum."

"But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area, and melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees F. These are unexplained anomalies." 

As was also the case with the 2018 California fires, objects such as cars and homes burned to a crisp and basically collapsed into their own footprint, leaving behind nothing but white ash...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Best Med Bed Videos: YES, The Existence of Med Beds is a Confirmed Fact – Proof Compilation!

 We live in an age of technological wonders: space travel, AI development, and quantum computing, just to name a few. But what if I told you there’s technology, suppressed and hidden from the public eye, that possesses the potential to revolutionize our entire medical system?

For those not in the know, Med Beds are purported to be a type of advanced medical device. Their technology, reportedly, can diagnose and treat almost any illness, rejuvenate cells, and even reverse age! Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, and I’ve got the evidence to prove it.

Our existing medical industry, dominated by big pharma, stands to lose trillions. They’ve built empires upon our suffering and illnesses. Med Beds, with their miraculous capabilities, threaten to topple those empires. And thus, they’re suppressed.

But, as with all things concealed in darkness, the truth has a habit of coming to light. The age of deception is drawing to a close, and the revolution of truth has begun.

You’ve been lied to. I’ve been lied to. We’ve ALL been lied to. But why? Why are these Med Beds such a threat?...<<<Read More>>>....

Monday 4 September 2023

Almost nobody in Haiti died from COVID because almost nobody there got “vaccinated”

 The impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti remains protected from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the reason being that almost nobody in the country got "vaccinated" for it following the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

According to reports, Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, also happens to have the world's lowest COVID death rates. As of the end of April, just 254 people have died in Haiti from what authorities agree constitutes COVID – and even this figure is likely overblown considering SARS-CoV-2 has never even been isolated and proven to exist.

Compared to the United States, which currently has a COVID death rate of around 1,800 per one million people, Haiti has a COVID death rate of just 22 per one million people.

NPR admits in a report about Haiti that nobody there wears a mask, and daily life is normal with busy and crowded buses and markets.

"And Haiti hasn't yet administered a single COVID-19 vaccine," NPR's Jason Beaubien further reveals...<<<Read More>>>...

The Giant Science Lie that Underpins the Entire Collectivist Net Zero Political Project

 The false notion that the climate is collapsing due to human activity lies at the heart of the drive to collectivise human populations under a Net Zero global agenda. Everything about it is a lie. The science is not ‘settled’, it is an unproven hypothesis, and stating otherwise is giving credence to an obvious political construct. There is no way that scientists can calculate how much of the gentle rise in temperature seen over the last 200 years is caused by humans burning fossil fuel rather than natural influences. The idea that there is a 97% ‘consensus’ among scientists that humans cause the majority of warming is a whopper as big as they come, not least because holding that view is beyond current scientific knowledge.

This latter ubiquitous claim was recently revisited in a short essay published by the CO2Coalition. It arose from a 2013 paper published by John Cook and asserted that 97% of 11,944 peer-reviewed science papers explicitly endorsed the opinion that humans had caused the majority of the warming of the last 150 years. Alas, 7,930 of those papers took no position on anthropogenic change and were excluded from the 97% claim. It was subsequently revealed that only about 0.5%, of the papers explicitly stated that recent warming was mostly human caused....<<<Read More>>>....

Biological Clocks: How Does Our Body Track the Passage of Time?

 In April of this year, Spanish athlete Beatriz Flamini emerged into the light after a 500-day stay in a cave. Her descent underground is probably the longest undertaken by a long stretch.

Flamini says she lost all sense of time on the 65th day. But can she really be sure it was the 65th day?

By way of comparison, in 1962 France’s Michel Siffre surfaced from the Scarasson chasm in Italy after spending what he thought was 33 days there. In fact, he spent 58 days underground.

How can isolated human beings keep regular track of time, even when they’re disconnected from their surrounding environment?

Quite simply, because biological rhythms are at the heart of life, regulating it all the way from the molecular level up to that of the entire body. These include not only our sleep/wake cycles, but also body temperature, hormones, metabolism and the cardiovascular system, to name but a few.

And these rhythms have many repercussions, not least in terms of public health. Indeed, a number of diseases are episodic – for example, asthma is more severe at night, while cardiovascular accidents are more frequent in the morning....<<<Read More>>>....



Warning: Unveiling the Shocking Web of Silence and Conspiracy in the Dark Corners of the EU

Prepare to have your perception shattered as we delve into the spine-chilling world of secretive European Union countries, covertly striking deals with the ominous connections of none other than Epstein. Hidden beneath a veil of silence, these nations have been complicit in unimaginable cover-ups, concealing sinister truths that will soon be unleashed upon the world.

Picture the catastrophic consequences when the full extent of the United Nations, CIA, and EU’s involvement in the Epstein pedophile ring, along with their unholy alliance with captured governments and blackmail rings, comes bursting into the light. Brace yourself, for a tempest is gathering momentum, poised to engulf the darkest corners of society.

Behind the scenes, military intelligence, acting as guardians of the deep state’s Epstein operations, have masterfully shielded these abominable activities. Their elaborate network of connections intertwines with global banks, covertly financing the abhorrent enterprises of human trafficking, sex trafficking, and money laundering. The very foundations of the world order are teetering on the precipice of destruction, as the nefarious operations of the global elite hang precariously in the balance....<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 1 September 2023

When Doors Open

 When a door opens, walk through it. Trust that the door has opened for a reason and you have been guided to it. Sometimes we have a tendency to overanalyze or agonize over the decision, but it is quicker to simply go through the door and discover what’s there as that’s the only way to know. Even if it doesn’t seem right at first, opening this door may lead to another door that will take us where we need to go.

Doors open when the time is right for us to enter a new space, metaphorically speaking, and we can have faith that walking through is the right thing to do. Sometimes we linger in the threshold because we are afraid of leaving our old life for a life we know nothing about. We may have voices inside of our heads that try to hold us back or people in our lives saying discouraging things. These voices, internal and external, are known as threshold spirits, and they express all the fears and doubts that arise at the beginning of a new life. Nevertheless, none of these voices can hold us back, and they will fall silent as soon as we cross the threshold.

There are many doors that open in the course of our lives, leading us into new relationships, jobs, friendships, and creative inspirations. Our lives up to this point are the result of all the doors we have walked through, and our continued growth depends on our willingness to keep moving into new spaces. Every time we walk through an open door, we create a sense memory that encourages us to move into the new fearlessly. When we enter the new space, we almost always feel a thrill and a new feeling of confidence, in ourselves and in the universe. We have stepped across the threshold into a new life.(Daily OM)

Dr. Geoffrey Long: “Research has convinced me that there’s afterlife”

 Jeffrey Long is an American author and researcher into the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). A physician by training, Long practices radiation oncology at a hospital in Louisiana.

Long is the author of Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list. In 1998, he founded the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, which is concerned with documenting and researching NDEs.

Dr. Long defines near-death experiences as the conscious experience of people who are comatose or nearly dead, but who retain their perception and ability to interact with the world around them....<<<Read More>>>...

Can We Go From “A Variant of No Concern” to “The Largest Vaccination Rollout in the UK?”

 The rollout of flu and COVID-19 vaccines has been brought forward to September 11th due to the emergence of what is being termed “a new variant” that apparently came to light on 18th August. At the moment there has been little incitement of fear, yet, at the begining of the year, the Uk Health Security Agency said they “expected the largest vaccination programme in the UK.” 

“NHS officials have indicated the BA.2.86 – which “came to light” on 18th August – “is the most concerning since the arrival of Omicron.” Yet scientists also say it has mutated but has not been classed as a “variant of concern,” reported Sky News.

Nevertheless, they added that the “Vaccination efforts aimed at care home residents and those who are immunocompromised will now start on 11 September rather than the initial October date. This group will be followed by carers, pregnant women, social care personnel, and individuals aged 65 and above, all of whom will receive booster shots this upcoming winter.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Falun Gong founder: COVID-19 resurgence in China targeting top ChiCom Party officials

 The resurgence of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in China is mainly targeting top officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to the founder of the Falun Gong spiritual practice.

Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi told the Epoch Times on Aug. 26 that the latest EG5 strain is directed at the CCP and those who blindly follow, defend and give their lives to it. He said: "When humans become corrupt in their hearts, they will generate karma, fall sick and suffer calamities."

"A pandemic like the current [one] … has come with a purpose and with a target. It has come to eliminate the followers of the evil [CCP] and those who go along with [it]."

The Falun Gong founder advised people to "stay far away from the evil CCP and don't align with [it]. Because what lies behind it is the red demon. Its behavior and actions are thuggish, and it stops at no evil."...<<<Read More>>>...

Alex Jones Says Lockdowns Are Coming Back... I Call Bullsh*t

 Alex Jones claims to have met with a TSA whistleblower who said they attended a meeting where they were told new rules on masking were going to re-emerge by mid-September. By October passengers would be masking up again, and by December full lockdowns and restrictions would be back in the United States.

I don’t buy it. But most importantly, does it serve us to knee-jerk into reactive hysteria?

To me, Autumn 2023 lockdowns don’t match the pattern social engineers typically engage with. By that I mean, those in the financial and ruling elite of the Deep State (unelected people with power over societal direction) don’t usually push people in developed countries to the brink over and over in short succession. It happens over time, with peaks of “good times” before the inevitable upcoming valleys.

Push people too far too quick, and you lose them to revolt. 

To me, it’s much more useful to take a step back and observe the long-term direction we’re seeing with the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Global elites are attempting to grab massive amounts of power through a worldwide treaty that would give The World Health Organization the power to tell the whole world what to do during a pandemic, regardless of agreed-upon facts. This treaty is far from being finalized but this to me is where we need to raise awareness. This is the long game, and it’s not concerned with what happens in September or October 2023.

To be clear, I’m open to anything happening, and will certainly keep my eyes open to signs of impending lockdowns, I just don’t see any real signs at the moment....<<<Read More>>>...