Further Reading

Friday 27 October 2023

THOU SHALT NOT CRITICIZE ISRAEL: Social media giants now CENSORING CONTENT that supports people of Gaza and opposes indiscriminate bombings by Israel

In today's edition of "Here's another thing so-called Israel controls," the social media gamut – Facebook Instagram, X (Twitter), YouTube, TikTok and the like – are systematically censoring user content that is critical of the government of the geopolitical nation state they call Israel's plan to commit genocide and ethnically cleanse the open-air concentration camp it previously created for the people known as "Palestinians," whom Israel forced off the land it stole back in 1948 and stuffed into the world's densest prisoner of war ghetto.

That sure was a mouthful, but it is intended to paint an accurate picture of what actually happened there when pasty-white people from Siberia, claiming to be real Jews, stormed the land and took it as their own with the Balfour Declaration in 1917, followed by the actual resettlement in 1948.

It is a history that many of today's Christians are never told, at least not accurately, but one that gives new insight into what Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, for those who follow end times prophecy. Anyway, whoever these people really are do not want to be criticized online, about anything, especially if you support the 2.3 million people, nearly half of whom are children, who currently live inside the Gaza Strip.

According to reports, the tech giants, also known as Big Tech, are silencing users from Europe, India and even the United States, who express any kind of support for, or speak up on behalf of, the embattled residents of Gaza who, save for God's supernatural protection, are slated for extermination in the coming days....<<<Read More>>>....