Further Reading

Monday 23 October 2023

What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?

 War, on anything other than a localised dispute level, is a contrived and preplanned event based on ulterior motive.

In the era of globalisation, war is used to create a distraction from something of more lasting significance which the protagonists want to introduce under cover of the smoke and fire dominating  imagery and rhetoric of the battle ground. Something that will further enslave a large body of humanity to conform to the desired end game – and at a much faster rate than would otherwise prove possible.

War is also motivated by the desirability of an economic upturn to the fortunes of the military industrial complex, and, of course, as a harbinger of chaos.

Chaos is a vital factor in inducing traumatised populations to call for a big brother saviour to end the conflict. The conflict that these same ‘saviour’ promoting elite control agents have had a major part in starting in the first place.

Given that world events are politically and economically manipulated to give ever greater power to ever fewer institutions and those who run them, ‘enemies of the people’ are easily identified.

However, the difference between a 21st century enemy and an enemy of previous eras, is that the 21st century version uses advanced psychological manipulation as the main weapon of an increasingly virtual armoury.

Therefore today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception.

Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over the better part of humanity....<<<Read More>>>...