Further Reading

Thursday 26 October 2023

Why Are We So Quick To Dehumanize Each Other?

Let us think of BLM, COVID, LBGTQ rights, Me Too etc.

During these cultural moments, important things were brought to the forefront, but it also felt like it went overboard.

The reflex for many became: you are anti or racist or an abuser, if you are unsure of some new ideas or don’t agree with claims made by some people in these movements.

Instead of collectively exploring and creating space around how to evolve and where we should change our minds, people take an authoritarian approach: accept our ideas or you’re deplorable.

During COVID, world leaders too easily associated those who didn’t agree with the highly controversial mainstream narrative with words like racist, misogynistic, death, extreme, murderers, the probelm etc. Yet many people questioning things are loving, grounded, and calm, and were only asking for a discussion.

As separation and a lack of connection grow in our hearts, the ease of dehumanization increases. This slowly becomes culture and normal.

We begin to define people by their opinions, which we may not even understand, instead of defining them as human. We lose the ability to see the stark difference between a complex being and their evolving opinions.

As we dehumanize, it becomes easier to say terrible things to people and, in my view, we create more permission space to do even worse things over time like…<<<Read More>>>...