Further Reading

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Exposed – Dark Secrets of the Vatican Hidden from Us for Thousands of Years

 Dark Secrets of the Vatican Hidden from Us for Thousands of Years. In the heart of Rome, beneath the shadow of the majestic Saint Peter’s Basilica, lies a network of secrets that have endured for millennia. The Vatican, revered as the epicentre of the Catholic faith, holds more than just prayers and pontiffs within its hallowed walls.

Whispers of hidden societies, ancient manuscripts locked away, and mysterious artefacts shrouded in secrecy have persisted for centuries. What are these puzzles the Vatican has safeguarded with unwavering determination? What untold truths lie within its archives, hidden from the world’s prying eyes?

Join me on this journey as I uncover some of the Vatican’s deepest secrets that have been concealed from humanity for hundreds of years.

The Vatican City is the heart of the Catholic church and the Pope (Pontifex Maximus) is the head of the church and the supreme “spiritual” leader of all of the world’s Catholics. But the Vatican hides some of the darkest secrets one can imagine.

Sedes Sacrorum (Latin for Holy Seat), known as the Holy See in English, is the seal of the Vatican City State.

“The Roman Cult* which controls the Catholic Church maintains that the first person to use the concept of the Holy See was St. Peter.

This of course, is impossible as the etymology of the word “Sedes” (See) and its associated meaning were not in existence until hundreds of years after the execution of St. Peter in 70 CE at the Siege of Jerusalem.”

*The Roman Cult is a shadow group of blood-thirsty Satanists, which was involved in “child sacrifice, burning people alive (since 11th Century CE), demonic worship and absolute celibacy of its lowest priests.

“Since the 1st Century BCE, its high priests known as ‘Pontiffs’ — a hereditary position controlled by a handful of ancient families — claimed the ancient pre-Republic title of Pontifex Maximus after the Roman Emperors assumed themselves as high priest of the state cult of Magna Mater (Cybele).

“Jealously guarding their pagan heritage and right to sacrifice people to their demon gods, the priestly families were banished from Rome more than once along with the closure of the Vatican temple.

“However, during the tumultuous periods in Roman history after the collapse of Rome as the center of the Empire, the pagan high priests assumed the role as community leaders in Rome and during more than one period, openly returned to their pagan practices of child sacrifice, cannibalism and demonic worship as late as 590 to 752, 847 to 872 and even as late as 896, 1057.”

“Under Pope Innocent VIII, the role of the Inquisition and Inquisitor changed to increase their legal and spiritual authority when dispatching ‘heretics’....<<<Read More>>>....