Further Reading

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Judgement Time: Exposing The Underbelly Of The Cabal’s Church & Deep State – 4 Steps to Binding and Judgement

Earth has passed a crossroads, whereby the Alliance and the spiritual forces of light have gained the upper hand over the cabal and the dark forces behind them.

The battle of Armageddon is in full swing on a spiritual level, and the Alliance is making significant inroads into rooting out and clearing the dark forces that have held sway over this planet for too long.

This draining of the swamp has begun in earnest at the top levels of the US Government on the physical plane with Donald Trump’s executive order, and in other dimensions and on spiritual planes much work has also been done to take down satanic forces.

It is important to support this work in the physical with spiritual work that essentially pulls the support rug from underneath the cabal. Think of pulling out a weed – you can rip the top off, but to remove the weed for good, its supporting roots need to be pulled out and removed from the ground.

This is a critical step in the process towards disclosure and the complete freedom of mankind. The balance of power is shifting because of the raising of the collective consciousness of mankind, and exercises such as the ascension meditations are vital in helping our planet and its people to adopt a more spiritual and enlightened approach to life.

Yet there remains much work to be done in mopping up the cabal and removing the dark forces behind them, and this article outlines an important process in this spiritual work....<<<Read More>>>....