Further Reading

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Stop vaccinating now or we’re headed for real trouble

 The curious thing about flu viruses is that our bodies constantly mutate them, Dr. Kevin Stillwagon says. The same applies to covid variants. It is through this mechanism that those who are vaccinated produce virus mutations or covid variants.

Remember the virus is not alive, has no intelligence, no desire to attack you, no ability to inject itself into a cell, and no ability to mutate itself. The mutations are under the intelligent control of APOBEC enzymes in the cytoplasm of cells communicating with the nervous system, endocrine system, other viruses, exosomes, and ultimately universal intelligence.

None of the injections called “vaccines” can provide any protection of infection, nor can they stop the spread of viruses, he says.

The true protection of infection is provided by something called your INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM. The innate immune system does not rely on antibodies. It firstly relies on the mucus that covers the epithelium, the barrier separating the inside of you from the outside of you … The sad thing is that if you got the Covid-19 jab, the cells of your innate immune system can be depleted. This makes you more susceptible to not only infection by the Sars-CoV-2 virus but all viruses. The Silent Killers, A 2022 preamble to Chapter 5: The Immunisation Fraud, Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, 18 July 2022

In addition to making those vaccinated more susceptible to viral infections; vaccinations drive virus mutation. The injections focus cellular immunity on the wrong protein and will induce the bodies of the vaccinated to further mutate the virus, Dr. Stillwagon explains below. “Stop vaccinating now, or we’re headed for real trouble,” he warns.

It is important to recognise that our intelligent living cells through the action of APOBEC enzymes are mutating the virus to create new variants like JN1.

The virus is not mutating itself as it has no life or intelligence in it. Our bodies are mutating the virus. Why? To produce cellular protection of infection that occurs on the epithelial barrier due to the action of cytotoxic T-cells that get trained through the highly infectious but not yet highly virulent mutated variant called JN1 that is rapidly spreading through the population.

If we stop vaccinating, this cellular protection of infection will be able to stop the infection from spreading because the majority will have the ability to NOT become infected. How?...<<<Read More>>>...