Further Reading

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Controligarchs: Control freaks and billionaires who think the world is overpopulated

 Seamus Bruner, the Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute, joined the First Things podcast to discuss his new book ‘Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’.

Oligarchs are typically extremely wealthy people with a close relationship with the government. Recently we’ve heard the term “Big Tech oligarchs” referring to the wealthiest in Silicon Valley, Bruner explained.

What makes Controligarchs different from oligarchs is that they really do want to control every aspect of our lives.

“These people have like a god complex but on steroids,” Bruner said.

“Of the 3,100 or so billionaires in the world, there’s only about 30 in this book [Controligarchs] … People like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros … and his son Alex Soros – these guys use their wealth to do not-so-great things,” Bruner told host of First Things Mark Bauerlein.

He crunched the numbers and found that these billionaires in some cases have doubled their net worth since the beginning of 2020. “Mark Zuckerberg went from $60 billion or so to almost $120 billion today through the pandemic because everyone was locked down, stayed at home and was scrolling through Facebook … and Jeff Bezos close to doubled his net worth,” he said.

It’s not surprising that while small businesses were closed and schools were closed etc. online businesses would soar. But what is surprising is Bill Gates and his takeover of farmland.

“They used the pandemic, in the words of Klaus Schwab the World Economic Forum founder, as an opportunity. The pandemic was an opportunity to rejigger society and ‘build back better’ in a ‘greener’ way,” Bruner said.

“People didn’t really understand in July 2020 when Klaus Schwab announced ‘The Great Reset’ what a pandemic had to do with climate change. But we’re starting to see that ‘climate change’ is just the next crisis they want to leverage as an opportunity to not just get richer but to construct systems of tyrannical control.”

The systems of tyrannical control, Bruner explained, include food control, energy control, electric vehicles, cell or mobile phones, the Internet of Things, smart cities and financial control....<<<Read More>>>....