Further Reading

Monday 15 January 2024

Insights Into 'The Other Side'

PART ONE of an Insightful Account Of The Spirit World written by Matthew James

A conversation with a client earlier this evening inspired me for this particular post. During the sitting, my client asked me to describe just where her late Father was residing 'on the other side'. Her Father had only recently made the transition from the Earth Plane ... and luckily I'd made a contact complete with personal information which was the validation I required to have the connection confirmed. Telepathically, I had posed the question to my client's Father and the other relations who were in attendance during the reading. 

What I received back as clear mental images as well as strong emotional insights ... was almost identical to what my own late Father had described to me; as well as a multitude of other 'departed' souls who were only eager to let me know they'd survived the transition during numerous sittings in the recent past. There appears to be a general consensus on their side of life, at this time, to really impress this imagery as much as they can.

Firstly, I get the recurrent impression, that they firmly believe it is US NOT THEM who have died. This is a regular insight from 'our dearly departed'. This impression has been shared previously on A Light In The Darkness. They remind me that we are the ones who are suffering with monetary woes, starvation, fears, addictions, murders, rapes and other atrocities. Once they have cleared themselves of the strong need to 'remain earthbound' ... they are able to venture into dimensions which are indescribable to human awareness. Dimensions which are clearly for expanded consciousness and not 'dead humans'. The strong impression is that remaining earthbound is undertaken by souls who are unable to shake off their concerns for those they were once associated to on the earth; or from their associations with the earth ... through fear, reprisal and other human emotions. Eventually even these ties fade and most move on.

Secondly, I must shatter the myth that the spirit world comprises beings of bright lights and fluffy clouds!! We merely see those who have left this world as light, because their forms exist outside of our light frequency range. We see only white light ... but there is much more beyond it. 

The biggest single revelation that is shared with me ... is that the departed souls have A PHYSICAL FORM. It is similar to the need on the physical earth to wear a form. Except their form vibrates much faster than ours and exists outside our light frequency range. Initially the departed will posses a physical form that matches that of their recent excursion on Earth. They will still succumb to the bodily needs of their earthly form ... food, drink etc etc. Plus experience the physical ailments they were blighted with on Earth. But gradually those needs will feed as they increase the vibration of their consciousness and move their awareness away from the earth plane vibrations.

I have not been able to determine what their primary energy source is other than solar energy. But I sense it is something much more and nobody is prepared to tell me! I know not if they have internal organs like we do but I would imagine that reality of internal organs will fade as they move away from our dimension. I know their forms do become interchangeable and they can shape shift. This explains why they are able to represent themselves at any point in their physical lives to those on the earth plane.

Thirdly, so many have conceded to me that they observe activity on the earth plane. They may be invisible to us on the earth ... but they do see and hear and feel everything we do. Their heart centres are very much in open mode, so they will feel what we feel. I was informed they see everything perfectly much like we do when we look through our eyes. The major difference being they do not have a physical body as a reference point ... thus they will not see arms and legs and bodies in their vision. They will merely witness the surroundings as an observer. 

Their entry point onto the earth plane appears to be something similar to what we describe as portals or wormholes. I sense we may be seeing entry points when we capture true orb activity. 

The revelation that is us on earth who are dead is the biggest reverberation in my mind ... it suggests we are all deceived on earth. That certain information is withheld from us ... our true nature! The possibility we are in REVIEW MODE at this point in our evolution doesn't bear thinking about. Some outside force appears to be tampering with a natural universal process by preventing our realisation that this is death ... thus when we 'die' and journey to the next 'hall' which should be the hall of reincarnation ... we are somehow being deceived to come back to the hall of review ... instead of venturing out into 'true life'. Interestingly, I deduce that most mediumship connections come from 'the halls of reincarnation'. I also recall so many insights and connections that have come from 'beyond the spirit world' ... inexplicable connections that are nothing like anything I had experienced before. Downloads of information which are of a similar nature to the content of this post, but are being placed in my consciousness from elsewhere...>>>to be continued>>>...

Matthew James 25th September 2012