Further Reading

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Malkuth - The Kingdom

Malkuth is the sum total of the activities of all the other spheres, it is the end result in densest matter of what started as the most nebulous spirit in Kether; it is the final receptacle into which the influences of all the other spheres flow and as such it is the only stable sphere on the Tree.

The host of angels, that is the builders, in Kether are the four Holy Living Creatures, and through their offices all life is brought into being. Their influence is felt variously all down the Tree until finally in Malkuth they become the four elements we can recognize with our senses, fire, air, earth and water. The four elements are the mundane chakra to Malkuth and it is through them the life force flows, they become the actual substance of our world and form this environment with which we are familiar but they are nevertheless those same forces which are active in Kether and so we see Kether is indeed in Malkuth and Malkuth in Kether.

Malkuth is the sphere which we inhabit and must learn its lessons before we can proceed to any other. It is foolish to despise dense matter and glorify spirit alone, since we may learn the nature of spiritual matters by study of the physical.
The Yetziratic text says of Malkuth that "it illumines the splendour of all the lights”. In other words all the emanations of the other Sephiroth become visible in Malkuth. Malkuth is the Hall of Manifestations everything we perceive with our senses, a rock, a flower, or a man is a marvel, a thought of the Ain made manifest, each with its own purpose to fulfil which it knows, although only man has the freedom to decide whether to co-operate with the Divine Will or not. So therefore, since everything is present in Malkuth, we have only to study man to know God.

Malkuth, therefore, is the physical body and as our physical bodies are ines­capably linked to our etheric bodies, so is the earth to the moon and Malkuth to Yesod...<<<Read More>>>...