Further Reading

Sunday 21 January 2024

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Exposes HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda: Assassination and Mind Control

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has exposed a sinister agenda hidden in the Alaskan wilderness. Documents leaked by Snowden to Internet Chronicle reporters confirm that HAARP, long thought to be a facility dedicated to studying natural phenomena, is, in fact, a weapon of mass manipulation and global assassination.

Unveiling HAARP’s True Purpose: For years, the military prison industrial complex has concealed HAARP’s true objectives from the world. They have portrayed it as a benign research station located in the remote Gakona, Alaska, away from prying eyes. However, Edward Snowden’s revelations cast a terrifying light on the facility’s activities.

According to Snowden, HAARP is not merely a scientific endeavor but a covert weapon used to silence and eliminate perceived threats to global capitalism. Through the use of ultra-high-powered radio waves, HAARP has the capability to target individuals’ brain stems, inducing deaths that appear as natural causes such as strokes or heart attacks. The victims and their loved ones remain unaware of the sinister hand behind their demise.

Mind Control on a Global Scale: Snowden further elaborates that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, utilizes HAARP to remotely suppress and manipulate those deemed as “perpetrators” of “deviant or subversive” ideologies. This manipulation extends beyond physical harm; it can also make the targeted individuals act in insane or irrational ways, thereby discrediting them in the eyes of the public....<<<Read Moree>>>....