Further Reading

Tuesday 2 January 2024

The Manipulation Of Ancient History

 Our government textbooks tell us that nobody in the ancient world had ever crossed the Atlantic before Columbus. But the voyage of the Mayflower only took 60 days. Are we honestly to believe that no one had ever previously taken the 60 day trip in all of human history? The great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, Greece, Rome, and the sea-faring Phoenicians never wondered what was out West past 59 days sailing?

If we accept this improbability, we have to accept many more along with it, because the native American cultures of the “New World” and the Eurasian cultures of the “Old World” were already far too similar to have naturally evolved separately. For instance, compare the Peruvians and Egyptians. The number of complex comparisons between the two peoples far surpasses serendipity. Both cultures believed in an immaterial soul which reincarnates through multiple physical existences. They both worshipped the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and held amazing astronomical knowledge, much of which has just recently been rediscovered. Both peoples built amazing stone pyramids, often containing boulders too heavy for modern cranes to lift, quarried from miles away. Both cultures embalmed/mummified their dead. Peruvian and Egyptian royalty both wrapped children’s heads in the practice of “skull elongation” (like trepanning) to attain higher consciousness. They both divided the year into twelve months. Both peoples had a women’s order of vestal virgins vowed to celibacy, and violating their vows was punished on both continents by their being buried alive. Both cultures offered animal sacrifices and divined the future by examining the animal’s entrails. They both built huge arches and strewed the road with flowers for returning home triumphant warriors/heroes. At the beginning of each agricultural season during a big celebration, the Kings placed their hands to the plough and ploughed the first furrow. Are we to believe such incredibly specific practices developed completely independent of one another?


Ancient symbols like the cross and the swastika already existed in the Americas long before the Europeans came. Egyptian symbols like the “Akeru” back to back lion gods hieroglyph are found in Olmec temples from ancient Mexico. We have also found Mayan art and glyphs in Egypt. Modern Mayans and tribal Egyptians both recognize the languages found in their countries as that of their ancestors and both can read much of it. We’ve discovered artwork 2-3000 years old clearly depicting negroes and caucasians in Central America. The establishment remains silent on all these issues.


The similarities between Old World European and American peoples are vast and difficult to accept as mere coincidence. The use of cement, bricks, arches and advanced masonry/architecture is found on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as roads, stone and suspension bridges; Metallurgy, ore mining of copper, tin, bronze, gold, silver, and iron; Sculpture, painting, engraving, agriculture, navigation, large sailing vessels, pottery, glasswork, and music; both Old and New Worlders fashioned the same weapons like bows and arrows, spears, swords, battle-axes, darts and slings; baptism, confession, penance all long existed on both continents. (The Atlantean Conspiracy)