Further Reading

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is far more widespread than people realise

We assume that when you inject a vaccine, it’s not going to hurt you. We also assume it’s going to give you immunity. Neither of those is true. Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is much more widespread than we are giving it credit for according to Dr. Larry Palevsky.

Dr. Larry Palevsky is an American paediatrician who runs the Northport Wellness Centre. On 19 February 2020, he gave testimony to the Connecticut Public Health Committee Public Hearing.

You can read the transcript for the full Public Health Committee hearing held on 19 February 2020 HERE and we have embedded a video of his testimony at the end of this article. The following are excerpts from Dr. Palevsky’s testimony; for ease of reading, we have not put his words between quotes.

One of the assumptions that we heard is that high vaccinations protect those vulnerable and it reduces the probability of those people vaccinated spreading the germ to others.

Never once in my 37 years have I ever seen a study that showed that a vaccination makes the bacteria or the virus disappear from the body of those who were vaccinated.

We are told that unvaccinated children are the only children and the only people who are capable of spreading germs. But that’s not true either because vaccinated children can still spread germs. They can still carry the bacteria and viruses that we vaccinate against and so can adults. Adults can also carry the bacteria and viruses that we vaccinate against.

We are told that when you vaccinate, the bacteria and the virus completely disappear from the earth. Well, they don’t. They change activity, they may mutate and you heard before that the measles virus doesn’t mutate. Well, it does … And even those who are vaccinated can still carry them and transmit them.

We heard that vaccines are unequivocally safe. We have a public health crisis in our midst, chronic illness, brain damage and neurodevelopmental disability … There are chemicals in the vaccines that are shown in animal studies to contribute to this kind of brain inflammation that we are turning our backs on and we are creating many of these children and we are ignoring it for the sake of continuing to vaccinate....<<<Read More>>>...