Further Reading

Friday 19 January 2024

With ‘Disease X’ the ‘cover story’ for the coming mass deaths from the release of the globalists new bioweapons, their ‘blood lust’ won’t end until they are stopped

According to Klaus Schwab's 'World Economic Forum,' 'Disease X' is a 'mystery contagion' that the WEF will be holding a meeting about in just days, on January 17th, with the WEF warning this 'mystery contagion' could kill 20 times more people than 'COVID' has (substitute 'vaccines' for COVID if we want to be more accurate!,) with the United Nations claiming the only way to stop the spread of this mystery contagion would be the rapid development of a new 'vaccine'.

Claiming in this December of 2021 story over at the UN's website that "the faster an effective vaccine is developed and deployed, the faster an incipient pandemic can be contained and controlled," as that story also reported, "the aspiration of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is for the world to be able to respond to the next “Disease X” with a new vaccine in just 100 days."

Also claiming that delivering a new vaccine in just a little over 3 months time "would give the world a fighting chance to extinguish the existential threat of a future pandemic virus," take note that in the past, it's taken decades and decades of researching various diseases to develop 'vaccines' for them, with this Business Insider story reporting virtually NO DISEASES have ever been completely eliminated through 'vaccine' efforts, although they report that a vax for Smallpox had come close....<<<Read More>>>...